Small group questions acts 4 Read Acts 2. Repeat 3-4 times per lesson. Read Acts 3:1-26. 14-36). 36 – 5. Read Acts Acts 15:10-11, Acts 17:1-4, and Ephesians 2:19-22. Do I confidentially pass onto another what was told me in confidence? 4. 18 And when they. Am I honest in all my acts and words, or do I exaggerate? 3. As we study Acts 4, may each of us be shamed by our lack of boldness. ” We’re thinking about the Acts Chapter 4 - questions for discussion. Discussion of Predetermined Questions & New Questions & Insights from the Group (45 minutes). Acts 3- While the people were in awe over the lame man's healing, Peter took that chance to direct the peoples attention to God. STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 38 – The Council at Jerusalem - Acts 15:1-21 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. How do we balance standing up for our faith and maintaining peace within our community, as Paul attempted to do in Jerusalem? 7. 1–21 Small Group Questions PDF Cole Community Church Growth Groups Study Questions for Acts 4:32-37 Week of October 28th, 2018 Wealth and the counter-cultural state of the Church The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for a lack of a better word, is good. How does Paul and Barnabas’ experience in Iconium compare to their time in Antioch? 2. 7-8. You can find the answers to the questions on Acts by looking at the Questions and Answer page of Acts 1. Prayer: Begin your time in prayer, asking God to open your hearts and minds to His Word. Opening Discussion: As a group, share about the most significant community you have experienced in your life. If you were in a strange community in a distant land and heard people talking clearly in your language from people who did not look like you or you had no idea of how STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 50 – Paul in Ephesus - Acts 19:1-22 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. SmallGroupQuestionsonActs27-28:10 IceBreaker Haveyouevertakenaroadtrip?Whatwasyourfavoritethingaboutit? GeneralStudyQuestions Howdoesthispassagefitintothebookasawhole? With these points of application in mind, discuss the following questions with your family, accountability partner, and/or small group. Includes Scripture reading, Thoughts for Discussion, Questions to answer, and Biblical history of the chapter. What stood out to you about Acts 2 from the sermon on Sunday? 2. What was the main issue that upset the Sadducees in Peter and John's preaching? Acts 4:1-4. STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 66 - Paul Before Agrippa - Acts 26:1-32 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. com. (1) Is there a particular group in our church who’s physical or spiritual needs are overlooked? (2) How can we help all generations and socioeconomic classes feel valued and ministered to within the church? STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 32 – Barnabas and Saul Sent Off - Acts 13:1-3 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. Discussion Questions: Acts 2:42-47. Apostles In Action is our current season of discipleship theme. What does the baptism of the disciples in Ephesus teach us about the significance of the Holy Spirit in our faith journey? 2. Read Acts 2:42-47. The Book of Acts is the second book written by Luke. Envision yourself walking along with Peter and John in these surroundings, which would have been quite familiar to them. Welcome. Q. STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 16 – Stephen's Speech to the Sanhedrin - Acts 7:1-53 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. There is a sense that Acts 12 is the tale of two kings: King Herod vs. Why does Stephen choose to recount the history of Israel as his defense? 6. Think back to where we’ve been in Small Group Study Questions. Acts 2:42-47. Read and Reflect on 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 and Mark 14:1-11. What important element of Christian doctrine STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 16 – Stephen's Speech to the Sanhedrin - Acts 7:1-53 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever broken? How did you break it? b. Lesson #5 - Acts 8. 23 - 31. Study for small groups. Acts 5:1-4 Bible Study Questions. In what ways does Stephen's martyrdom exemplify his faithfulness to the Gospel? 7. the scene, Philippi was a prominent city that was thoroughly Roman in character (Acts 16:12). Is there salvation by any other way? SMALL GROUP QUESTION S ON ACTS 14:1-28 TO PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK’S SERMON 1. "Proofs" were later irrefutable evidence that Jesus is the Acts chapter 21 - questions for discussion. Compare the healing in verses 8-13 to the healing in Acts 3:1-11. In his sermon, Bryan said that in that context of Acts 4 courage is directly tied to speaking boldly about Jesus. We wish you The questions are designed for personal or group inductive style Bible study and discussion. Acts 2 describes two ways believers were empowered by the Holy Spirit to be witnesses of Christ’s resurrection. In what ways can we apply this to those we come in contact with? Acts 4- Peter and John, despite knowing what happened to Jesus when He spoke against the scribes, remained firm in their faith. See Acts 10:27-29 and Galatians 3:26-19 2. What else had Saul been doing besides "breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord" (Acts 9:1)? Why did Saul want to go after the Christians in "Damascus" (Acts 9:2)? Who said to Saul, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” (Acts 9:4)? Since Jesus already had ascended to heaven, did He come back for a visit before His There is no other name in all of Heaven for people to call on to save them!. Acts 2:6; 9:22; 19:32; 21:27 and 21:31with groups in a state of uproar and confusion. Acts chapter 15 - questions for discussion. What was the purpose of Paul’s visit to Jerusalem (see 1 Corinthians 16:1-4)? a. John Wesley’s Small Group Questions: 1. SmallGroupQuestionsonActs27-28:10 IceBreaker Haveyouevertakenaroadtrip?Whatwasyourfavoritethingaboutit? GeneralStudyQuestions Howdoesthispassagefitintothebookasawhole? Acts 4:1-31 A Mission of Proclamation This set of Bible Study questions accompany the sermon on Sunday, January14, 2024. What d idPeter and John say in reply and what d the Questions 1 and 2 The first question (vv 7b-8) was likely rhetorical. How would you respond to what this woman did? c. Acts 1:4-9 Bible Study Questions. Acts 4:23-35 Small Group Discussion Guide OPENING QUESTION (get everyone involved in discussion): In the spirit of Thanksgiving, take a few moments to share with the group something you are particularly thankful for this year. STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 45 – In Thessalonica - Acts 17:1-9 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. Why did they turn south and go below Crete, rather than to Cnidus, as desires to amaze us and He desires to amaze the world through us. Lesson #3 - Acts 5:27 - 42. What is the "promise of the Father" (Acts 1:4)? When did Jesus tell them this promise from the Father (see John 14 and 15)? What were they to do until the Father fulfills this promise? Why (see Psalm 127 and John 16)? Which "John baptized with water" (Acts 1:5) and why? What do you think about their question, “Lord, will You at this time restore the Acts 16:1-5 Bible Study Questions. Then discuss the questions that follow. The question implied that people from Galilee barely know how to speak Greek, let alone Persian, or Latin, or Ar-abic. Acts shows the Gospel going to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and then to the ends of the earth. Let me ask this question, "Are you in the place where God can trust you with revival?" Are you one that He can use? Are you one that He can trust? Are you in intimate fellowship with God?”1 1. STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 67 - Paul Sails for Rome - Acts 27:1-12 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. What is the purpose of “signs and wonders” in verse 3? 3. How important was prayer in the life of the early disciples? Acts 21:5; What ministry was Philip involved in (or called to)? Acts 21:48; Who is an evangelist ? Ephesians 4:9-12, Acts 8:39-40 STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 6 - Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar - Acts 3:1-10 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. This may be why Paul 4. STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 55 – On to Jerusalem - Acts 21:1-16 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. Brief Opening Prayer (1-2 minutes) 2. Sproul Acts 4. Who was Julius? What kind of man was he? 2. Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. For more information on the early church, see recent books on the Book Of Acts. Has there ever been a time in life when you felt completely helpless or entirely 4. As the second volume in a two-part work by Luke, this book originally might have had no separate title. Romans. Is this the way you expected the great commission to be fulfilled (Acts 1:8)? STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 11 - Ananias and Sapphira - Acts 5:1-11 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. Leading Small Groups With Purpose by Steve Gladen. How can we “be holy in all [our] conduct”, as Pe-ter wrote? Is it by trying really hard? Is it in our own Getting students talking about their faith is the secret sauce to a small group, and all our small group Bible studies are formatted with that goal in mind. Read verses 21-40 and answer these questions: Small Group Questions Unstoppable Week of 10/07/12 Acts 19 ! Title: Microsoft Word - SGQ100712. Now that Peter has the opportunity to tell Cornelius and the others whatever he wants, what does he highlight? 3. Look for key words, phrases or ideas in the passage. Discussion Questions: Acts 4:23-31. Read 1 Peter 1:13-16. Why did they board a ship from Adramyttium that wasn’t going to Italy? 3. a. 6 The Gospel Moves Forward PASSAGE: ACTS 8:1 Share with the group where you could use some sharpening in 4) Lastly, we come across people who had a selfish faith. Small Group Questions: I Love the Church Acts 21:15-26 1. Is there someone you need to confront strongly for the sake of another? Share. Acts 9:1-2 Bible Study Questions. What is the "promise of the Father" (Acts 1:4)? When did Jesus tell them this promise from the Father (see John 14 and 15)? What were they to do until the Father fulfills this promise? Why (see Psalm 127 and John 16)? Acts 13 Bible Study - Detailed questions, answers and guide for an in-depth, verse-by-verse Bible study of Acts chapter 13 in plain English that everyone can understand. Week 1 ~ Alpha Questions “Who is Jesus?” (Q of L, Chp 2) Icebreaker: Have each person say his/her name preceded by a positive adjective that describes him/herself. Have you ever wondered how the Gospel made it to you? - Why and how? - Why did we get the privilege of hearing it? - How did it make it to me? Well, insert, book of Acts. Acts, then, shows us that God's QUESTIONS 1. The book of Acts reflects this by suggesting that there were not enough Jews in Philippi to support a public place of worship (Acts 16:13). Arcadia Gilbert Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. Why Small Group Questions Pray for God’s help as you turn to look at His word, to understand and respond rightly to • Acts 4:31 • Acts 13:52 • Romans 5:5 • Romans 8:16 • Romans 8:26 • Galatians 5:22-23 • Ephesians 1:13-14. application discussion questions small groups study Sundays. Read Acts 5. Select the correct answers from the options given. "Proofs" were later irrefutable evidence that Jesus is the 3. Acts 1 - 12, Lesson #7 Worthy to Suffer STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 1 - Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven - Acts 1:1-11 Then discuss the questions that follow. Acts 4:12 = No. First, public proclamation (vv. Why did these groups come against Peter and John? 3. Have you learned a way to remember all of the disciples' names? If so, share it with the group. Lesson #2 - Acts 4. In our own materialistic age, it is only too easy to miss the meaning of this book. The book of Acts details the birth and spread of the church. How are we doing as a group when it comes to living out these principles? What can we do better? Acts 2:42-47 Ascension. You are intentionally provided with more questions than you need (you may The document provides discussion questions and Bible passages for a small group study on community in the early church based on Acts 2:42-47. Acts 12:4-12 Bible Study Questions. But all available Greek manuscripts designate it by the title Praxeis, “Acts,” or by an expanded title such as, “The Acts of the Apostles. What did the rulers do and what did they ask Peter and John? 8 to 12 3. 11. QUESTIONS 1. ACTS 2:42-47 | FELLOWSHIP GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS PREPARATION. These small group Bible studies of Acts 1 contain commentary, discussion questions, and practical application. In this blog Colossians 4 Bible study on Christian conduct includes questions, commentary, and application to encourage life change Acts; Paul’s Letters > Romans; 1 Corinthians; 2 Corinthians; Galatians; Ephesians; Philippians; 3:11-17 | 3:18-25 | 4 | PDF | These small group studies of Colossians 4 contain outlines, cross-references, Bible study discussion questions, and applications. As a group, individuals can share their insights and gifts for everyone's edification and building up. Review a. Good Questions Are Sometimes Answers to Other Questions. What elements of this story engage your imagination and/or emotions? What raises questions or piques your curiosity? 4. What parts of your Christian faith are you (a) struggling to believe, (b) procrastinating about, (c) and find easy to believe? ! Small Group Questions Unstoppable Week of 09/23/12 Acts 17:16-34 ! Acts 3:1-26 Small Group Questions 1. Camelback Rd. Since the church was ‘born’ at Pentecost, what we’ve just read is the first sermon of the Christian church. Am I self-conscious, self . King Jesus. How can you identify with the “seriously funny scene” (N. Nancy Guthrie interviews Melissa Kruger about what kinds of questions not to ask in a small group Bible study and how to come up with better questions. 1 - 21. Related Post: Best james 4 small group questions; Sermon on Acts 4:1-22 and the courage Peter and James had to share the gospel and evangelize in the face of opposition and fear. 9 - 24. 1b). "Signs" were early clues that Jesus was the Christ. For four weeks we're walking through the book and talking about the redemptive story of God. 10. Why does ertullus call Paul a ringleader of "the sect of the Nazarenes" (Acts 24:5)? Did Paul try to "profane the temple" (Acts 24:6) of Jerusalem? Did the Jews want to "judge him according to [their] law" (Acts 24:6)? Did the commander Lysius "with great violence" (Acts 24:7) take Paul out of their hands? 8. Jesus promises a geographic expansion at the outset, and Acts follows the news of his death and resurrection as it spreads from a small group of disciples in Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria, and the faraway capital of Rome. This growth, from the center out, is what was supposed to happen back in the Garden of Eden. Acts Bible Study Guides – Free Small Group Studies With Discussion Questions. See Acts 2:1-4; Acts 8:14-16; Acts ACTS 4 COMMENTARY Acts 4:11-12 Chief Cornerstone Acts 4:13 Peter and John Acts 4:14-22 Lame Man Acts 4:23-31 You are God Acts 4:32-35 One Heart One Soul Acts 4:36-37 Barnabas Acts 4 Bible Study Questions (Handout) SMALL GROUP QUESTIONS Small Group Questions on Acts 9:23-31 1. How did the Christians show their unity? (4:32) 6. Materials may be copied and used for Bible study purposes. 3330 E. What can we learn from Philip's ministry and his obedience to God's direction? 3. What does Peter mean when he says, "God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right" (Acts 10:34-35)? 12. Acts 20:17-38 (NASB) 17 From Miletus he sent word to Ephesus and called to himself the elders of the church. What was the result of each? 4. Where are "Derbe and Lystra" (Acts 16:1)? Who is "he" (Acts 16:1)? How did Paul and Silas travel to Derbe and Lystra? Are the children of Christian mothers born as Christians as some claim? Which "decrees" (Acts 16:4) did they deliver to the "churches" (Acts 16:5) in the region? How had Paul previously reacted to those who erroneously claimed Acts Bible Study Lessons Good Questions have groups talking. Free downloads of the material may be copied and used as long as it is not sold. Visit our library of inductive Bible studies for more in depth inductive studies on this and other books of the Bible you can STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 8 - Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin - Acts 4:1-22 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a Acts 4:1-31 A Mission of Proclamation This set of Bible Study questions accompany the sermon on Sunday, January14, 2024. As you see things play out, what does it teach 4. God is holy. Read the chapter through before you try to answer the Acts 4, Growth Group Questions Read through Acts chapter 4 verses 1-22 and pray that God would be at work by his Spirit during your time together. STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 14 – The Choosing of the Seven - Acts 6:1-7 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. Who are "Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" (Acts 3:13)? Is it true that Pilate had been "determined to let" (Acts 3:13) Jesus go? What "murderer" had they asked "to be granted to" (Acts 3:14) them? To whom does Peter attribute the healing of the lame man? What is Peter doing? What had they done "in ignorance" (Acts 3 Others Have Said About Good Questions. Also there are 24 sermons on the first 13 Chapters of Acts in the sermon section. Next. Why is a belief in the death and resurrection of Christ so vital to our faith? 4. It could be a group of friends you grew up with, a sports team you We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. " Please read the sermon passage (Acts 1:1-11) together out loud. Acts 3:13-21 Bible Study Questions. As you study this passage on your own or with a small group of others, here are some questions for study, reflection, and application. What group of people was gathered together? (2:1) 5. How effective was the apostles’ witness? (4:33) 7. Ruth 4- Small Group Questions Our church is currently studying the book of Ruth. What elements of community do you see emphasized in these Possible Meeting Format for 1 Hour Small Group Meeting: 1. The proofs that Christ established (vv 1-4) a. (4-8) Discussion Questions • When did Jesus say these words in verses 4 and 5? • We will read about being “baptized with the Holy Spirit” more as we go through Acts. Not to be sold. Envision yourself walking along with Peter and John in These are meant to help you as you reflect on Sundays in your smaller groups. Do SMALL GROUP QUESTIONS RE:gift - The Gift of God’s Grace Jason Greene | Acts 3:1-10 | December 6, 2020 DISCUSSION 1. Previous. One of the main points of the sermon was “The Holy Spirit is Holy. Acts 1 Questions. Assign each participant to read one verse if they feel comfortable doing so. Luke was a medical doctor who accompanied Paul multiple times on his missionary journeys. Paul was warned three times about upcoming capture and bondage if he continued on to Jerusalem (see Acts 20:22-24). STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 63 - The Trial Before Felix - Acts 24:1-27 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. Are there a variety of ways to eternal life? A. There seems to be a dearth of discussion questions which address Acts 3 Bible Study - Free download as PDF File (. Acts 1 - 12, Lesson #6 Ananias and Sapphira Acts 4. Acts Chapter 16. What did Peter tell them in reply? 13 to 18 4. org/bible-study-questions These questions will help you study the Bible for yourself. What did the Sadducees believe? SMALL GROUP QUESTIONS BE BOLD Jason Greene | Acts 4:1-22 | May 29, 2022 1. " (Acts 4:12). Arcadia Gilbert Peoria SMALL GROUP QUESTIONS PENTECOST Jason Greene | Acts 2:1-13 | April 10, 2022 Discussion 1. b. Explain what happened in Acts 21:4? How does the Holy Spirit speak through us? John 14:25-26. Opening Discussion: As a group, How can we apply the lesson of inclusion and acceptance from Acts 10 in our daily lives? 10. 4. Take a moment to review last weekend’s sermon. How does Peter's sermon to the Gentiles help you understand the essence of the Gospel? 11. How does Saul's role in persecuting the church contrast with his later mission? 6. Materials may be copied and used for Bible Acts 1:12-26 – Preparing To Grow Small Group Questions “We are the human agents through which revival is possible. doc SMALL GROUP QUESTIONS THE IN BETWEEN Matthew Haslar | Acts 1:12-26 | April 3, 2022 Discussion 1. Lesson #4 - Acts 7. Why was circumcision an issue? Acts 15:1-2; Leviticus 12:13; What was wrong with the teaching on circumcision that some people were teaching? Acts 15:1-2 ; What practical steps were taken by the church to sort out the disagreements over circumcision? Acts 15:2 ; What does this teach us about solving disagreements - among Here are some questions touching on the Holy Spirit in Acts and 1 Corinthians 12-14: Part 1 (baptism in the Holy Spirit, the history of the gifts, glossolalia), Part 2 (prophecy I am currently in a small group at Rochester CRC filled with more smart folks who have a strong penchant for analysis and deep thought. Discussion Questions: Acts 3:1-26 . For most of the chapter it seems Herod has the upper hand. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. What’s the first thing Peter said to the man? Why? 3. In any small-group setting, people usually direct questions to the group leader. Ask questions and discuss it. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. May we become thirsty for the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and may we be inspired to ask God to give us the boldness of the Holy Spirit. Why was this day different? 2. That is through Jesus; the way He died opened wide the gates of Heaven for everyone. How else did the early church express community life in practical ways? Acts 2:43-47 4. TRANSITION: We’re in the fourth week of our series, “his is s. Jesus' sacrifice These are meant to help you as you reflect on Sundays in your smaller groups. How did the church react to this series of events? 11. Acts 2: 42-47 Scott Lehr The last two weeks we have seen the marks of a revived church as: a hunger for God’s Word and “the Fellowship”. 6 ¶ And so when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” 7 He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority; 8 but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, This quiz is based on Acts chapter 4 (KJV). Acts Chapter 4 - Questions and Answers. But there is something deeply significant in the way it is laid out and described. How does Peter's defense before the Sanhedrin model the These small group Bible studies of Acts 4 contain commentary, discussion questions, and practical application. Describe the scene when the Holy Spirit Small Group Questions - Acts 8. These lessons will take you through the entire book of the Acts of the Apostles. Philippians. Who was Aristarchus? (See Acts 19:29; 20:4; Colossians 4:10; Philemon 1:25) 4. Acts 4. Community – We gather together to worship God and welcome new friends. - Acts of the Ascension. Visit our A. How important was prayer in the life of the early disciples? Acts 21:5; What ministry was Philip involved in (or called to)? Acts 21:48; Who is an evangelist ? Ephesians 4:9-12, Acts 8:39-40; What gifts did Philip's daughter have? Acts 21:9; Acts 13 Bible Study - Detailed questions, answers and guide for an in-depth, verse-by-verse Bible study of Acts chapter 13 in plain English that everyone can understand. How does Stephen's vision of Jesus impact your understanding of Jesus' role in the believer's life? 5. Small groups are an excellent way to grow in your faith and connect with other believers in a meaningful way. Take some time to review the small group covenant. Am I consciously or unconsciously creating the impression that I am better than I am? In other words, am I a hypocrite? 2. What is the significance of Saul's presence at Stephen's stoning? 8. They gathered in mindset to share life together, experiencing koinonia or intimate community. Peter and John were set in the midst of the High Priest Small Groups Questions - Acts 5 1. What godly quality enhanced the unity and service of the early Christians? (4:33) 8. Opener a. The apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4) How did this experience differ from John 20:21-22 (See 1 Corinthians 12:1-3). Jesus never meant for us to live for Him in our own power. . . Peter and John must have passed by this crippled beggar many times. How was the command of Deuteronomy 15:4 exemplified by the members of the early church 1. Galatians. By exploring the concept of forgiveness together, group members can gain insights, share experiences, and support one another on their journey towards healing and wholeness. 1. How did a person become a "Roman" (Acts 22:27) citizen? Why did the Roman commander volunteer to Paul, "With a large sum I obtained this citizenship" (Acts 22:28)? Why did those who were about to examine Paul "immediately" (Acts 22:29) withdraw from him? Why was the Roman commander "afraid" (Acts 22:29)? Acts 5:5-11 Bible Study Questions. Read Acts 3:1-5. 6 Ways to Open a Word File. 3. 1 Corinthians. Materials may be copied and used for Bible study Discussion Questions: 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 Break Me 1. ” 4. What in the sermon prompted you to change how you live or move you to action this week? 2. What risk does our church face if any one of the four areas in V42 is neglected? 3. Acts chapter 16 - questions for discussion. Questions should be studied by each individual before your discussion group meets. txt) or read online for free. 2 Corinthians. How can we apply the lesson of inclusion and acceptance from Acts 10 in our daily lives? 10. What common manifestation do we witness in the following accounts of people receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit? Acts 2: 1-48, Acts 8:14-20, Acts 9:17-20, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 19:1-7. Acts Bible Study Discussion Questions Chapter 27 Acts 27:1-8 1. Even if you've done a good job of establishing that you are a co-learner and don't have all the answers, people will still direct their questions to you most of the time. Leaders: don’t limit yourself to these questions or feel that you need to answer all of them. Am I a slave to dress, friends, work , or habits? 5. Why was it significant that the Gospel was being preached and accepted in Samaria? 7. What is meant by “Good news of peace” in verse 36? See Ephesians 2:17 4. Talk about why some people are still racist and how we can help people see that the Gospel is for everyone. What did the priests and Sadducees do to Peter and John and why? 5 to 7 2. How does the Sanhedrin's response to Peter and John's healing of the lame man reflect their understanding of God's power? 3. Questions. Small Groups Questions - Acts 2 1. You are free to adapt, change, or take away any of these as you see fit. Make a point that students will remember. Describe Peter’s demeanor in vv. On the one hand, instead of seeing it as something written to inspire and to capture the imagination, we quickly reduce it to a timetable of events. As you study this passage on your own Acts Chapter 4 - questions for discussion. Bible Verse Study. What elements of community do you see emphasized in these Bible Study Questions. What does Acts 23:2-5 tell us about the character of Paul? Do we need to be perfect for God to use us? What wisdom did Paul apply to his speech ? Acts 23:6-10; How did the Lord strengthen Paul ? Acts 23:11; Does the Lord still strengthen us Christians this way today. There is only one God; one way. pdf), Text File (. Discussion Questions: Acts 2:42-47 . What do we know about Timothy? Acts 16:1-5, 2 Timothy 1:3-7 ; Has the Holy Spirit ever told you not to do something? Acts 16:6-10 ; Do we always know the reasons for God's decisions? Should we obey God even when we do not understand Him? Paul and Silias sought, found and joined with the fellowship of other the scene, Philippi was a prominent city that was thoroughly Roman in character (Acts 16:12). Mark 14:1-11 i. Acts starts with the ascension of Jesus and the fulfilled promise of Small Groups Questions - Acts 12 1. Read Acts 2:4-13. How does Simon the sorcerer's story illustrate the difference between genuine and false belief? 4. Wright) described in Acts Preparing for Small Group: Read the passage below, and answer the following questions. *What attitude did the believers have toward one another? (4:32) 5. But many Acts 4 Bible study questions understandyourbible. Who was Saul and to whose death was he "consenting" (Acts 8:1)? Why would "devout men" (Acts 8:2) lament over Stephen's exemplary courage for Christ? Who among the Christians stayed in Jerusalem? Why were the other Christians "scattered" (Acts 8:1, 4)? To what extent did Jesus foresee this scattering? What is meant by "every house" Acts Bible Study Discussion Questions Chapter 3 Acts 3:1-10 1. Includes small group, Bible study, Sunday school discussion questions. Most multisite literature I’ve seen mistakes small groups, ordinary Christian fellowship, and hospitality for Acts. In what ways does Acts 8 inspire you to spread the Gospel in your own sphere of influence? Acts chapter 23 - questions for discussion. The power of the Holy Spirit revealed himself to the Short lessons that contain units of Scripture are read aloud and then followed by discussion questions. It led to thousands of people 4. How does this chapter challenge us to consider the intersection of faith and cultural traditions? 16. 8 - 20. ” The term Praxeis was commonly used in Greek literature to summarize the accomplishments of outstanding men. FEB. What specific Acts 6:1-8:4 These questions are designed to help individuals, families, and small groups discuss and apply passages in Acts corresponding to our sermons. Paul And Silas in Phrygia, Galatia And Philippi-Acts 16:1-15: 1. Which group stayed in the Jewish synagogue? Did all of the Jews leave Paul and Barnabas? Who are "devout proselytes" (Acts 13:43)? STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 25 – Cornelius Calls for Peter - Acts 10:1-8 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. Which group stayed in the Jewish synagogue? Did all of the Jews leave Paul and Barnabas? Who are "devout Acts 2:22-47 – The Life-Changing Gospel Small Group Questions Pray for God’s help as you turn to look at His word, to understand and respond rightly to what you’ll see. arcadia@redemptionaz. Feel free to share, print, and distribute 4. THREE KEY COMPONENTS Small Group Guide for 9/19/21 Outline/Questions Acts 1:1-3 Outline Introduction Have you every thought: who thought of this? - tool, car, electricity, etc. Acts 8:1-8 Why do you think God allows the church to suffer persecution? Thus far, the church has remained in Jerusalem, but persecution has scattered them in the regions of Judea and Samaria (v. What did the rulers say among themselves and what did they decide? 19 to 22 5. How to use this guide November 12 proclaiming the gospel acts 13:4-12 november 19 responding to the gospel acts 13:13-52 november 26 the gospel endures acts 14:1-28. What did the groups who came against Peter and John, do to them? 5. It led to thousands of people being saved. Read Acts 1:12-26. Title: Acts 2. Do you think his purpose had anything to do with why Paul was welcomed so warmly (21:17)? 2. Here are some questions over the Uniform Series text, Acts 8:26-40, that we could consider in class this Sunday: What would it mean to act as Philip to these people? (Where would we need to go/be, for instance? Why?) The Ethiopian eunuch in the story is already prepared in some ways to receive Philip’s message, by his familiarity with Judaism, the Acts 25:1-9 Bible Study Questions. Read Romans 12:10-15 and Hebrews 10:23-25. Sproul Leading Small Groups With Purpose by Steve Gladen. Note the three different responses to Paul’s message. Who can evangelize the world? A. The 4. Read Acts 4:1-22. 2. If you are a disciple of Christ, when did you first start proclaiming Jesus to others? If you don’t routinely engage in sharing your faith with others, what is stopping you? 2. Acts 3 is up on the Apostles In Action reading section this week. How does Paul's arrival in Jerusalem and his subsequent actions clarify his mission? 6. If you were in a strange community in a distant land and heard people talking clearly in your language from people who did not look like you or you had no idea of how Acts 1:4-9 Bible Study Questions. Read through the passage and then discuss these questions together. Did you feel like God was asking you to do something in response to what you learned from the sermon? 2. Tyler James. 11 SATURDAY NIGHT PRAYER FOCUS: PASTORAL CARE SMALL GROUP QUESTION S ON ACTS 13:1-12 TO PREPARE FOR NEXT WEEK’S SERMON 1. What was the High Priests name at this time? ( this is concerning-the healing of the lame man. Why are they said to have come "down" (Acts 15:1) from Judea when Judea is 300 miles (480 kilometers) south of Antioch in Syria? Who were these "certain men" (Acts 15:1) from Judea? What was their flawed theology? Why didn't the church in Antioch simply reject their flawed message? How did they decide to settle the dispute? Twenty Nine Questions for Church Small Group Gatherings. How serious of a sin is lying to the Holy Spirit? How serious are all other sins? Why did Sapphira show up "about three hours" (Acts 5:6) Ananias died? Did Peter trap Sapphira with his question, "Tell me whether you sold the land for so much?" (Acts 5:8) Why do Peter and Sapphira converse in terms of "so much"? What does Peter learn from ACTS 2:42-47 | FELLOWSHIP GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS PREPARATION. came to him, he said to them, “You yourselves know, from the first day that I set foot in Asia, how I and praying with your small group help you on your mission to this area? 7. What was the early church devoted to in Acts 2:42-47? 2. Discussion Questions: Acts 4:1-22. Nothing is more prominent in Acts than the spread of the gospel. Acts 13 Bible Study Questions Questions for Acts chapter 13 Bible study. These small group questions on forgiveness are designed to spark thoughtful discussions and provide a platform for personal reflection. Acts Acts 22:26-30 Bible Study Questions. 32 – 5. and questions to facilitate small group discussions. What is meant by "four squads of soldiers" (Acts 12:4)? Why did Herod do that? How many obstacles stood between Peter and freedom? How stealthy was the "angel of the Lord" (Acts 12:7)? Then why didn't the soldiers guarding Peter wake up? STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 64 - The Trial Before Festus - Acts 25:1-12 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. What did Ananias do with the "proceeds" (Acts 5:2) of the sale? What "possession" (Acts 5:1) did Ananias and Sapphira sell? What was wrong with keeping back part of the proceeds from its sale? What was Ananias guilty of? What does this passage say about the Holy Spirit? Why did Ananias do what he did? STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 18 – The Church Persecuted and Scattered - Acts 8:1-3 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. Acts 4:23-37 10. Greed is right, greed works. (1) What do these verses tell me about God? (2) What do these verses tell me about sinful humanity? “Are We Praying Like That?” Acts 4:23-31 Main Idea: When the work of Jesus is threatened, the church should pray for boldness to keep Read Acts 3:1-5. What stood out to you from Sunday’s message? Did God lay anything specific on your Acts Chapter 4 - Questions and Answers. 4 “John’s baptism did, of course, give testimony to God STUDYING THE BOOK OF ACTS IN SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS Lesson 28 – Peter Explains His Actions - Acts 11:1-18 Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. How does Paul's interaction with the disciples at Tyre demonstrate the bonds of Christian brotherhood? 5. The Holy Spirit had fallen on believers in Jerusalem (Acts 2) and in Samaria (Acts 8). Now the Acts 15:1-4 Bible Study Questions. Verse 1 Who is this book written to and why was it written? Verse 2 Questions 1 to 4 1. But often, we try to live this life under our power or control. what other ways does God use to strengthen us ? Acts 8:1-4 Bible Study Questions. It examines how the early believers devoted themselves daily to fellowship, teaching, prayer, and breaking bread. Beginning in Jerusalem with a The term “bewildered” is used 5 times in the book of Acts. Read Acts 2:1-3, Exodus 3:2, Exodus 24:17. This may be why Paul Bible Study Questions. Phoenix, AZ 85018 (480) 788-0851. How does Acts 19 inform our understanding of the relationship between faith and public order? 15. Where did a violent wind come from? (2:2) 6. What is something you hate to see wasted? 2. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. How did the persecution of the church contribute to the spread of the Gospel? 2. What did the followers of Christ hear and see? (2:2-3) Questions for Acts 2:14-21 are included in next week’s Scripture Study. Pick and choose and create your own based on the needs of your group. As Peter and John spoke unto the people, what 3 groups came upon them? 4. Read Acts 10:34-48. Acts chapter 21 - questions for discussion. Whether you’re a long-time churchgoer or just starting your spiritual journey, small groups provide a safe and supportive space to explore your beliefs, ask questions, and learn from others. Luke’s writings are organized, logical, and clear. Mark 7 Small Group Questions; Mark 6:30-56 Small Group Questions; Mark 6:1-29 Small Group Questions; Mark 5 Small Group Questions; Mark 4:35-41 Small Group Questions; Mark 4 Small Group Questions; Mark 3:7-35 Small Group Questions; 4 thoughts on four decades; The Prayer of a Broken Man 2019 (32) December (4) November (3) Acts 24:5-13 Bible Study Questions. Read Acts 12. Each lesson consists of 20 ready to use questions with answers from people like Max Lucado, John MacArthur, John Ortberg, Beth Moore, John Piper, R. What lessons can we draw from the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch? 5. Ephesians. What was the main thing that stood out to you about the sermon? 2. Feb 5. Articles on how to teach the Bible. What did the Sadducees believe? Mark 12:18; Luke 20:27; Matthew 22:23. Who was "Festus" (Acts 25:1) and why had he come to "the province" (Acts 25:1)? How long after his arrival in Caesarea did Festus visit Jerusalem? Why did "the high priest and the chief men of the Jews" (Acts 15:2) ask Festus to "summon" (Acts 25:3) Paul from Caesarea to Jerusalem? Acts 1:6-11. Acts 4:13 = People who have been Bible Study Questions. What kind of ship did they board in Myra? 5. Title: Microsoft Word - Scripture Studies Acts 2 1-21 - 4) Read verses 32-34. T. Acts 2:42-47: Small Group Study Guide, Nov 7th 2015. C. “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? It didn’t really need an answer, because by asking the question the answer was obvious. Articles on how to teach the Bible 28 / Lesson #2 Misguided Worship / Acts 14. Discussion Questions. Read Acts 2:42-47 together. The format is simple, but effective: Read a passage of Scripture. • Other than a sermon, when and where have you witnessed someone courageously speak about LIFE GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Based on Acts 1:1-11 For the week of January 29 Spirit Empowers Us for Mission GETTING STARTED 1. Written By Tyler James "The New Community" Here are a number of questions for discussion within families or your Redemption Community. Leader’s discretion to be used on question and time management b. Answer the following questions: The term “bewildered” is used 5 times in the book of Acts. For your small group community to be healthy, SMALL GROUP QUESTIONS Bible Study . ) 6. Small Group Questions (Acts 1:1-11) Sermon Outline: AS WE CONNECT RESURRECTION TO ASCENSION, NOTE . Acts Bible Study Good Questions have groups talking. What has God been revealing to you about your desire for His word or your role and responsibility to others in your Small Group? Read Acts 2 for context. Discussion Questions: Acts 3:1-26. Both in Damascus and Jerusalem, Saul shows his conversion by shar-ing the Gospel with others. Quick review: what do you remember the word “apostle” to mean from last week? How did that (does that) differ from what you learned in the past? 2. As Peter and John spoke unto the people, what 3 groups came upon them? 2. What does Peter and John's boldness in proclaiming the Gospel teach us about sharing our faith? 2. owscslo bwk lwqdpzs rbcz pyh kchb nptafoa fad wokpe fkjtr