How to irelia reddit. Most irelias will Fall Off after lane.

How to irelia reddit okay so i’m still in the process of learning irelia and jax is typically my perma ban but i just played against renekton and holy fuck i’ve never felt more useless. com/league-of-legends/build/season-13-masters-irelia-guide-china-ionia-server-601727) is Irelia has mediocre ratios, split damage means no access to pen items, and her play style works less and less the more damage enemy team has: you aren’t tanky enough to survive 5 Irelia Top has a 52. Better useage would be to prep minions for qing to avoid his brittle damage. All you need to do is push 1-2 all in level 2 you hard win. Best way to play irelia mid would be against assassins like zed or talon where you can win the 1v1 pretty much anytime if you don’t get outplayed. But, the best advice I can give you when playing against Irelia is to keep a keen eye on your own minions, and make sure you’re not close to minions that are killable with an Irelia [Q], using that knowledge, you’ll know exactly when to use your [E Trade with her when she doesn’t have her passive and/or Conqueror stacks up. Practice her combo in practice tool. Irelia will get your e ready so fast trying to crash the From the creator of Pony Island and The Hex comes the latest mind melting, self-destructing love letter to video games. I usually watch my minions condition, if they're low enough, assume that she'll Q for it and the timing will depend on the scenario. Which this to be said, you main objective when laning with irelia is to deny her from Q minions for stack, as without minions and without stacks, irelia is a shitty yasuo with no shield and no This match up is actually really irelia favored. Most irelias will Fall Off after lane. I even built bramble vest with ninja tabis but still got 1shotted by her early game, can you guys help me on how to deal with her ? If it’s a smooth brain Irelia what you can do is while the e is fixing to hit you hold w, the Irelia will q on top of you cause every smooth brain Irelia need to press q if e hits. Either kite out brittle mark since it only lasts 3 seconds or e q his w since this will place you behind him so you avoid his brittle mark and half of I went for OP. Most people underestimate Irelia's kill zone. There is a really guide by Attarras here: https://www. I’d say you only lose if you somehow went even and he went bramble tabi and has even items with you. Compared to Irelia, Yasuo trades some of his dueling power for utility. Irelia is oppressive early,but also very unforgiving when she does not get a reset. Got her to M6 now at 34k points. The more important question is what’s your rank. Tiamat won’t really change how the matchup gets played but BotRK can absolutely make his job harder with the sustain making it harder for Garen to get Irelia down to a killable threshold. If you want to see the matchup I recommend searching on YouTube for domisum replay Irelia vs Swain. I once too was a hard stuck Irelia has the advantage of being to Q turrets and stack passive early on in the laning phase with just a tiamat + longsword. When I play against a fiora I try to bait her W while using my W to mitigate damage when I notice she's going to deal a ton of damage, then I ult and Q to restore life and keep auto attacking so she would die. If he taunts you without being able to stack passive, just run and cut your losses because you’ve already hard lost the trade. But if you do play it use the tips I just used. Do i simply need to play more passive and a "baity" style or do i have to rely on ganks ? Hi Reddit, I am a long time irelia main and I have nearly 700 matches with the champ so I started this series of posts to talk about matchups so that newer players can get some info on how to lane vs harder match-ups if you find this helpful feel free to follow me and upvote also remember to leave any questions as well as suggestions for the next matchup post in the comments. As long as you get rid of gp’s barrels, u can run him down andwin the fight 90% of the time. There’s 2 ways to approach level 1 depending on the MU. Thornmail is way better against irelia than randuins. How to win lane against irelia? i cant survive the lane. Irelia top is harder to blind than midlane since bad matchups are more punishing. Its Season 10 tho and 1hr long but very helpful. Honestly you’re looks out for the q and e. A good player with Irelia will know she can deny you farm, will not be poked down, won't mix her skills and will know how to gap close when at max stacks. I wouldn't say I'm doing bad at all, but I've personally noticed I die a lot and find myself aimlessly wandering waiting for someone to tell me what to do after laning phase. Matchup is a hard counter in lane so most of the time you probably don’t want to pick irelia or just dodge. Roam and Hope you get fed enough to oneshot her. Get to the wave early and start prepping it to fight with your passive stacks. ^Placing Q on the minion wave (especially in front of your melee minions) can lead to empowered Q's when Irelia takes CS with Q. In-depth gameplay going over how to I'm a 500k mastery Irelia, 800 games on her (started in like, March this year) and basically one trick her. Hello everyone, I recently started picking up Irelia as a new champ for mid lane and I was wondering some of your tips on fast q resets as it seems I am a Gold IV Fiora/Irelia main who's looking for some tips on how to better play Irelia. If she has ignite then it’s riven favoured. She can use her W to fuck your entire combo, which means you have to go for an extended fight which Irelia always wins. Trynd will win early These are just some general tips, because I haven't played Irelia in a while. I mean, it's still a bit annoying early, since heimer can perma shove waves with his eyes closed. So, Im wondering how you do actually teamfight with Irelia since I feel like she is so weak in that aspect that no matter what I do I get blasted, I have no issues in lane or mechanically, I always get ahead or equal and no issues having 10+ csm but I have problems translating that into a teamfight and i think Im just focusing on wrong things. I have had really bad matches against Irelia no matter how passive i play. Push him in, Malphite can’t farm under tower for shit. No I mean seriously. Also, NEVER fight irelia when she has 5 stacks of passive. counterstrike dodges irelia q, as it is basically a fancy auto attack enhancement. Irelia wants minions to stack passive, as Sett you can just stand in the wave and trade with her if she goes for a Q. No problem. However, she's a very high skill ceiling champ and can absolutely dominate the entire game if fed. The enemy will most likely shove the wave to you. I've never played irelia but even the malphite That said, it's a pretty skilled matchup overall and i pick cassio to counter irelia but i also pick irelia into the cassios i meet. Because of this you can just totally stat check him most of the time. Likewise, frostbite spells that you can direct at Irelia help, too. That being said if your Q is put on cooldown to dodge his Q then you are likely fucked. Provided you went even in lane and didn’t feed kills, you out match irelia when you have maiden. Get app The Moderator team continues to oppose Reddit's stance on their API, and Like others said, unless he is trolling or playing really bad you never win. Maybe if u managed to stay alive and keep your level and net worth the same as irelia, there is a good chance u can kill her once u hit level 5. Jax Q doesnt stop Irelia Q. For your second question, Irelia is amazing in low elo. Happy holidays! Hello fellow irelia mains, I've come to question how to beat trundle top. She has endless sustain, Better Short Trades, Better all in. Most high elo vlad one tricks consider irelia a simple matchup so for more detailed tips check out some vlad guides on mobafire and look at the irelia tips. But this is alot harder to do and very punishing if u fk up (no q and bad position). If you can’t, you should be able to fight level 2 onwards. Cuts healing and her high attack speed means more procs of the thorn passive, randuins is mainly an item you build against crit adcs and additional utility with the area slow (not very useful against irelia with all her dashes). Aatrox's Q recast time is longer than Irelia's W channel. Irelia needs to life steal to be useful meaning you’re often doing most of your damage hovering between 20 and 50 % hp, basically lethal against a Darius with r. When it comes to fast waveclear u need to kinda buffer the q its hard to explain and i cant do it all the time myself but im just I can take most of the enemy team on a 1v1 easily, even if im feeding, the problem is i cant teamfight when feeding, and honestly sevety percent of the champions I play or at least are high skill cap champs such as yasuo, yone, and some other guy i forgot, but i love playing hard champions and I eventually learn them in about 20 to 30 games, but its tru im not exactly the Since irelia is based on outplaying opponent you can test him by going in an out with minions and sneaking autos in between q’s, but you main goal is still to freeze. Also watch it from swains perspective too (where he wins) so you can understand where Irelia can fail as well. Even if i am able to somehow get a CS lead and have an item advantage or even level advantage sometimes, all that Irelia needs to do is QQQQQ and that's that im dead before ik it. If you manage to make him waste e you can go for a trade but dont overextend since it can be flippy with his passive + A good irelia, or someone who knows how jayce works, will wait until you swap into ranged form, since you have around 5-6 secs where you cant really do anything if they jump on you. When trading you want to be using Q to lasthit minions between autos rather than instantly using them all on the enemy, this gives you more healing, but also turns the wave in your favour and can give you an escape option if you need one. You don’t win 1v1 unless you are an item ahead with ignite. Not only your wave, but especially being focus on ire's one too. For example I'm a diamond irelia otp currently at 1. After 6, you may be tempted to pull the trigger on your ult as soon as she goes in. Making it near impossible for Urgot to escape while Irelia can keep hitting him. Eventually you one shot his turrets with Q, & it's like his kit is actively helping you. sett doesn't have crazy healing like sylas or vladmir so exe is not nessacary, you should just get bork into tabis or tabis first if ur really struggling to use q properly. Also try not to get hit with gp passive. I actually spend a lot of time melee form in this matchup, if you E her out of Q her all in stops before it starts and you can swap ranged and run her down pelting her with autos to punish. If you want to beat her just for completion purpose, you should wait until you can afford a 2-Star Power. For skills you should start with Q against Yorick so you can farm from the bush, then you go either E or W, if you see your jungler is coming you should pick E, if you want sustain you put a point in W. Matchup like Voli vs Irelia and Sett vs Irelia are theirs to lose. Fiora is my counter pick into her and if u play it correctly you should always win. If you dont she Heals full in a Couple of Seconds. Your W reduces damage taken by 50%. Coming from someone who mains both champs most mistakes I used to do as gp vs irelia was not dodging the E it doesn’t matter if you can W what matters is She can double Q you now and also always notice how many stacks she has when they’re 5 just back off and don’t fight give up cs if you have 2 and poke with grasp and barrels and passive if possible and when she’s low I would add that laning vs irelia is easier with good wave management. Irelia is good at freezing, and Camille’s trading patterns set her up for easy combos so you should always be able to extend the fight into an advantageous trade. As a recent illaoi main, this is the secret. You can miss your q too meaning q reset. I know it might sound like a Captain Obvious moment but proc Glacial Augment or Electrocute as much as possible in these openings and if they back off try to punish that to deny her farm. Settings: From Camera, to Mouse Sens, to Keyboard Keys ecc. Malzahar is one of the easiest matchups for Irelia - you can q his minions just like yorick. The official Renekton Mains subreddit for all Renekton related content. If Irelia uses W and you have an opportunity to wait, wait it out and then time your Q so it hits Irelia after her W is done (Xiao Ming does this often). Electrocute + bone plating + double armor runes, at lvl1 go for aa+w+aa trade and then try to hold the wave close to your turret. With champions as mobile as Irelia or Akali etc just assume they will get on to you, you need the raw stats from Conq to beat their ass when they do. true. For example , getting minions low and dash around with your q to reset it . She wrecks most Champs who have to get within her melee range, u less you can dodge the E. After they get ruinking the lane is unplayable, i cant deny their cs because their jungle always help them. I irelia's stun lasts what, . The basics: What's Irelia's role? The combos and show a cool way to Practice Combos ecc. Hello blade dancers I just wanted to ask you what's the best strategy to counter irelia in lane I don't say she's broken I have game where I ruined her in lane mostly because of level1 fights and I felt the person wasn't really good at her but I wanted to know what's the play style to fight her on lane of she's a good player and you are the best people to ask about if your kind enough to tell If he plays safe there’s nothing much you can do but if he goes forward a lot to cs, you can punish and kill him at early game. You wanna break his shield with w or e before you all-in him. Furthermore she does not have range so when the wave isnt pushed she cant do much and its very hard to dive pre 6. u should go corrupting biscits and tiimewarp, this allows for stronger early game so you have the ability to trade. Tips for both laners. Only swap forms to ranged if you know they cant punish you (Q or E cd down, too far away, etc. Irelia is one of Kayle's worst matches statistically. Your level 1 is much stronger if you have stacks, so abuse that. Try to push for lvl 2 first, if she doesn’t respect it belive it or not i miss alot of my e too. As irelia top I can Lane well against most matchups, CS is not a huge issue it is something I need to work on though (I forget late game), vision score is also not an issue at all and in most of my games I get a score ranging from B to A-, never S- or above and Usually this is how I fight it. The domisum replay Irelia channel has lots of challenger vods you can learn from. But even if you don't break it - you will still get the mark on him if e hits. I swear to god if a laner doesn't go directly irelias counter she will 1v9 the entire game. Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting. If I have a really really good freeze, I I feel like the matchup is all about confidence and wave management. Personally I think Fiora is one of the best picks again Irelia if u want to win lane. r/MarvelStrikeForce. A battle . Spells/Created cards cost 1 less and round start: spell mana are all very helpful for triggering the turn 1 board boost - if you can play her on 1 and boost, and then boost again the following turn before attacking, samira will be able to challenge Irelia and kill her). Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Irelia Top, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game How to play Irelia Mid for beginners and solo carry every single one of your games in season 12. Malzahar comes to mind. i know he is a hard counter and all but damn that was a shit show. For starters how should I play the early gamereally aggressive since I have heard that Irelia has bad scaling and a strong early game. Its destroys and irelia all in, and even though Gwen has true damages exhaust really lowers Attack his mana by building sustain. Irelia destroys with items so u need to get ahead on gold. He will use Q to silence you and prevent you from stacking up further while spinning on you, then he wants to back off. tldr : Phase rush ignite, respect lvl 1, keep wave on your side, Q on low hp cs when not in risk of a stacked passive all-in, dodge E at all cost, W right behind you at your feet to deny her mobility/dps/stacking and force her into a terrible spot. A good Irelia can 1v2. The best advice I can give is play her topside. One exception is Cassiopeia, her w is strong against irelia with the grounding effect. Once she gets BOTRK she can easily 100-0 a squishy target, over and over. Put everything into teamfighting. mobafire. Top lane is an island and teaches you Get the best Irelia builds, based on analysis of 10000+ matches in all regions and ranks. Dont W to reduce damage it does nothing vs magic damage. Both of the E shots are projectiles that shoot from Irelia herself, this means the stun does not start until the projectile lands at the location. I try to Play as aggressive as I can. I would also watch Irelia hey everyone! my [mobafire guide](https://www. Plat- Camilles are just straight not worthy of their champion. At the late game, once Riven sells lucidity boots and buys Tabi she hard wins the lane. Against most toplaners I feel like Irelia has some outplay potential but I just can't see how you're supposed to beat Vayne. Bring exhaust. i guess i’m just looking for general tips on that matchup. Wait to outscale which you will do in teamfights. Reply reply dragonren So the usual way Garen wants to go about it is stand in the wave and wait for you to get your first passive stack. The best way is to play her, Thats it. and as an adc main its literally impossible to do a damn thing against her with her 30 dashes as she instantly kills me while taking no damage. It's a very good skin and was my very first Irelia skin. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. You will end up thinking you can kill him and he will, ult you then fear you and when you finally can auto him he will use barrier and auto you to death with his passive. This allows you to stop him from setting up several turrets immediately. Advanced Irelia guide + Tips and Tricks in season 12. The onus is definitely on the Irelia here. But I can imagine there being things like W'ing Urgot's E if you can't dodge it. Windwall negates her E and R. They will eventually E your face without remorse and lose the extended fights, and they can’t do short trade properly due to the simple fact that they don’t understand the transitions of All the irelia skins looks cool but I'm still kinda looking for something more, idk. You should not be worried about poke at all. Are there any runes, builds, or things to do that He feels a bit overtuned, and Irelia can't outdamage him even when her passive is stacked unless she's got a huge lead. I main Anivia and it feels like there's not much I can do in lane vs a decent Irelia until lv. I’m really trying to learn Irelia due to how different of a play style Matchup Tierlist for Irelia d1-master comments. From here you shoot your w you’ve been holding backwards behind you, Irelia goes behind you when she uses q so always aim behind you, same goes for close fights always aim like q or anything behind you if she Request for a gank on the right time, don't just spam for help. With minions it's generally good for Irelia. Kinda the same as old mundo, post 6 you need executioners, his passive ignoring CC doesnt matter tbh [it doesnt resist slows and lets be real the microstun on irelias E is just to catch with Q] i will aay the higger base damage on his cleavers make those bastards hit you IRL now. com/league-of-legends/build/11-24b-preseason-masters-irelia-guide-china-ionia-server-601727. Imho, with same skill level, you cant win lane vs. Also there are a couple of abilities that cancel irelia's dash making her useless. It was the worst game I’ve played on Irelia so far. well it just comes to practice and abit of luck. Abuse Irelia’s long auto range and sneak hits in on him, Auto>Q to kite him if you’re confident. He's by no means good against her but not awful like Swain is). That also means that the more you play and the more you practice the better you will play. If you manage to kill him from then on, the lane can snowball in your direction. Q to minions then AA to him is a good thing to practice due to his E AS. It's very easy, his main ability is Q, you can cancel it with your E this is good because it also guarantees you hit E, you can also just block it with W, you can completely dodge it by Qing to a minion or simply Q the sion and go behind him If both land all abilities darius wins at literally every point in the game. The thing is I don’t know what’s the best way to play irelia or what’s her overall playstyle and who are her counters, I watched some irelking compilations and it’s just breathtaking how he plays but I don’t really get it. 1. but, the trick is actually not to immediately used your E to dodge her shit. Typically I wait for him to q a minion for cs and only fight if passive stacked. This is the time where you can strike: Pre 6, Irelia wins an all in versus Darius, IF she has both loaded up, IF she hits her E and IF she dodges Darius' Q. Take as many minions and jg monsters from the other team, and kill whenever they push ur lame. Watch Kayle1v9's videos about the match up and try to get a kill level 1 with ignite. Therefore, the shorter the projectile distance, the faster the stun happens. As for who outscales who, I can speak for sidelane 1v1 encounters. If he’s semi chunked and you have ulti, don’t be afraid to all-in if there’s a good wave to Q dance. Hide E Combo, Slow & Fast "Full Combo" = E + R + Q + E This is Irelia's barebones Full Engage combo. Irelia is meant to engage and duel squishy champs that prefer to poke, so I wouldn’t recommend mages in general. With irelia’s q, she can easily get close to one of gp’s barrels and auto it before he can if he isn’t prepared. However irelia stacks on minions, That means she gets to do what she wants for that time. Welcome to singedmains, the most toxic community on reddit. I usually try to q poke when you're walking up to cs (I will look at your minion health bar) but if you land your E, I think you will overall outtrade an ahri (1/2 hp gone right there I think). The riven matchup is riven favoured pre-6. Good items against Irelia are Riftmaker, Steelcaps, Nashor's, anything with anti-heal, Zhonya's etc. It’s hard to dodge taunt even with q. The subreddit for MARVEL Strike Force, a game for iOS/Android that is published by Boundless Entertainment, a Scopely Studio. If you are facing a fiora maybe you wanna use your W on her second E hit which is a big crit or potentially when she ults you and strikes you with true damage the first hit. Farm under turret, kill them if they get too close. Tank matchups are not bad for irelia, and the tank stats are not what irelia struggles aganist. His main strength isn’t that he can outsustain Irelia, it’s his burst with ignite and R. Abuse these and stay safe. You have a 200 aa range and q which resets easily. I recommend watching Coach Curtis Irelia guide. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; I always knew that I hated her and that she's incredibly disgusting and OP but now that I'm getting more into Irelia top she feels actually impossible to play against. Good irelia players can be defined by how fast, accurate, and creative with her kit they are. She’s very feast or famine tho. Kitting also plays a role in how smooth Irelia will look, so spamming Q and moving right as your Q hits is also what makes Irelia Q look smooth. My Max AD was 112, I did absolutely no dmg even in pregame when I would poke and run, I did NOTHING. (I just bought one I’m an Irelia newbie and laned against Sett. The part I'm trying to understand is how to win lane since this is supposedly Irelia favored. Dodge his q1 by side stepping, use e to mark him, q to him when he uses q2 (it places you behind him so you dodge it), then q to a minion to dodge q3 or if you can't do that because you will lose your q cooldown, w his q3 three. As far as burst goes, in S11 syndra scales much slower then she used to, and with Irelia's lifesteal, Q healing and natural bulk she can lifesteal any dmg you do to her so getting her within ult range before your run out of mana is near impossible if she just keep autoing the wave. However, I must admit I’m still pretty scared to blind pick her because I often get rolled by any of her counter picks. Hey guys, so I play midlane and main Diana and started with irelia. The reason Irelia has such a good match up against him is because he is immobile making for easy R and E hits, and Irelia can stick onto him. It's just not nearly as bad on irelia as most other champs I've played. Right off the bat, this matchup depends on who can control the wave better. Below, you will find an expert video guide on how to play Irelia : their strengths, weaknesses, powerspikes and game plans for every stage of Dodge irelia E using pool before six and then use pool to dodge irelia ult after six. You can even stop his ulty if you time/predict it with your e. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Irelia is a very mechanical-based champion, as in you need good mechanics and knowledge of what she can do in lane and out of lane. Exactly like the title says I’m struggling to lane against people like Gragas. It has greatly helped my irelia performance. A bad Irelia will waste her W, but once she has Sterak's you still shouldn't be able to one-shot her. In the mid game if Irelia came out of lane not too far behind I actually felt like Irelia has a slight advantage. Understanding of Skills Passive - 0 stacc, irelia nothing. 0% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked S tier. Getring ahead with Irelia in lane is easy - sidelaning correctly or teamfighting is hard. Think about what the enemies are playing. Feel free to post educational content, highlights, art, memes and any questions revolving around the champion. Just know you will miss your e or r. You win the all in if you kite out the atk speed debuff properly. 6, and even afterwards it feels like she's still pretty hard to handle Vs most melees in mid, I can just farm and out-scale, but Irelia herself scales pretty well so IDK what I should be doing. Even though I love playing Irelia, I will never pick Irelia into Sett. Volibear hard counters Irelia until you get Bork then you have a little bit of a chance. I imagine it will be hard for Urgot to hit a 'loose' R onto Irelia too. My personal take is that Irelia is better mid because she can really abuse the squishiness of mid champions be it mages/assassins. She has literally no DPS until about two items. The more champ kits you know the better at irelia you will be. Irelia vs gp is an irelia favored skill matchup. He has to outplay you if he wants to win 1v1. Harassing her is easy pre-6 since she can’t 1-shot minions with her Q to easily get her stacks and you can Q her anytime she walks almost, totally can if she has zero stacks. Irelia can autowin a lot of matchups with stacked passive, but i see a lot of Irelias thinking they've won an all in just because their get their stacks and use their second Q and get caught by Setts W. At lvl 6 of riven doesn’t have ignite is a skill matchup. I picked up Irelia and have over 500 games on her this season, which I think is quite a few. You can never Beat Irelia in lane. Being that if can be thrown horizontally unlike most skill shots it can hard to dive but doing a hidden e is typically the most effective and fast way to throw your e. The official Irelia Mains subreddit! Skip to main content. irelia, but you can't lose Hello, fellow Irelia mains! I've recently got an S for my mastery 7 Irelia by meeting the requirements listed below and I think this could clear the misunderstanding of getting S- all the time. Since Irelia likes to use minions to outplay, and Morde's R takes that out of the picture I consider him a counter. Irelia with bork full health dives Aatrox with 0 counterplay even Irelia probably being the second hardest boss behind Aurelion Sol himself, beating her without the extra mana provided by the 2-Star powers is not really the intended experience. Ahri is one of the squishiest mid champion and irelia just have lots of mobility for ahri's skillshot kit. Good luck 😊 I go ekko into irelia with great success, but I also go irelia into ekko with great success. 1% win rate and 5. (with exceptions but eh) Give it to her and keep an eye on the minions, Dont step up if you cant get out of a 2-4 stack E Q. You hard win vs morde with max stacks in lane. It only stops dashes that are coded to be interrupted by any type of hard CC like Yasuo E or Rakan W. 14 votes, 14 comments. You can either q the first 3 melee minions then q the enemy to gain early lane priority or you start e and play passive and wait till the wave bounces off ur tower before you play I'm a gold 1 Talon main on the Vietnamese server, i win almost every mid matchup but except Irelia. Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Sure irelia scales better in general but Darius still wins the 1v1 over and over. Yeah, I looked up statistics and apparently Irelia wins lane statistically but loses games super hard. 9% win rate with 6. The best advice would be to play a bit of irelia to better understand how she can set up lane to get stacks and execute her combos. 4 stacc, irelia auto guru. It is important to note that this is the most basic version of this combo, there's variations of This combo, with extra Qs and AAs weaved in, and with E2 being Cast earlier, some of which will be shown in "Extras" section, you can easily find them on YT as well. Irelia isn’t really a frontline fighter, she’s more like a follow up engager. chill once you play like a 100 game plus on irelia you get the hang of it its not hard. Go in with like 2-3 stacks on passive, ult, q and keep autoing (you need passive for this to work, ult q and w give 3 stacks) Hold onto your e because if you do he will hold onto his w. Honestly the best counter to Irelia is knowing her gameplay, when she is strong and when she is Hey guys, Anyone have any additional insight into this matchup other than the one in ICU's guide? I think Irelia has to prep minions and kite out his Frozen Domain before fighting him (even during lvs 5-10 where irelia supposedly beats trundle). You can bring ignite or exhaust to make things easier, tho I think once you gain enough experience with the match up you won't need them. Not even close to true. There aren't many control mages that have a good time against Irelia tbh. I'm new to Irelia and got stomped by a Cassiopeia and just couldn't do anything for the entire game. Hello people, i'm on my grind for m7 on Irelia and while I start understanding how to execute basic combos i still have a lot of things to work on. But even when I am ahead I just suck at teamfights. r/IreliaMains A chip A close button. So irelia is one of the hardest champions due to the fact that she has an insane skill ceiling. 3m points and I still learn new ways to play her. Gwen needs to apply consistent damamge. So play for farm, roams, ganks. You can spam your E to easily dodge her E stun. On a sidelane irelia does beat propably all tanks throughout most of the game, considering irelia has faster economy than tanks, its safe to assume irelia would be up about half an item most of the time unless the irelia player is bad. Yes, it is. The thing about Darius is that he relies on his outer Q to heal, while Irelia's Q has a low enough CD where you can stick on him and deny him most of his Q heals (except for ones where he goes E>Q immediately). There's just no way u can win against her full stack auto plus ingnite. And if her E is up bait it out/side step when she throws it, its pretty easy to dodge. u should win early game as irelia lvl 1 because that is when you are the strongest if you get five stacks. Currently sitting with an astonishing 0%wr in 5 games againts trundle top, honestly I solo lost all those games cuz trundle became unstoppable after divine+hullbreaker, I usually learn from my mistakes and do better next time I lose againts a champ, but I see no way to best trundle consistently. If you know how to play Yas it’s basically a free lane. 75s? her q's animation is longer than the CC duration from a distance. With ult Jax can follow irelia full stack damage out put. Then back off once she gets out of the W. Climb in patch 15. Before six bully her whenever E goes down, the cooldown is about 18 seconds rank one. Otherwise Tryndamere should take it, since he has to put in far less effort to win the lane. Also just for emphasis YOU WONT FUCKING Irelia with full stack is just so powerful in early game. Tenacity reduces the attack speed slow. 9% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked S tier. Hello guys so recently I've been playing a lot of irelia midlane this season (I have played her in the past have around 100k maestry) and i am doing nice in laning phase, i win my lane most of the times. Mid lane irelia is harder the higher you climb, mage can beat you in lane but they won’t because they don’t know how to play vs irelia. You can win irelia with good spacing ,wave and mana managment. Same for skill matchups like Riven/Fiora/Camille, you just improve your own play, if you're better than her you'll beat her, simple as that, just as Irelia top has to play significantly better than her lane opponent to win most common top matchups. i did end up outscaling and after a few shutdowns ended up carrying the game but is there anything Normally Irelia Q looks stiff and/or weird when you aren't playing with a general plan in mind on how you want to move IE: Q, AA, kite away then Q to another minion. You harass early. This means that the quickest stun with the least amount of reaction time is: So here are few tips for you to learn her which i myself used when i was learning irelia. If enemy picked first, I will usually go Volibear. At level 1 try and get to lane early in case Heimer is there early. You should always win vs zed of equal skill level, you win earlygame with your passive stacked and you win post 6, using your w for ult dmg or you can bait his r and q to minions to just have him waste it. Top lane is where you might find more counter/hard matchups for Irelia, where you really have to play much more perfectly. I also discovered that, even if we had almost the same rank in flex (Silver I for me, Gold IV for 13 votes, 15 comments. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Irelia is one of the easiest times I've ever had playing against heimer. Against these counter match ups like Irelia, Tryndamere, Malphite, there's not much you can do if you get behind and they freeze. Irelia has been a counter to Talon since she was reworked. Like all goods, but not that good to start thinking about spending money on. If Irelia is pushing the wave, dont walk anywhere near her because she doesnt need 5 stacks to beat you early in the game One dirty thing I do is get tabis and wardens mail. Inscryption is a narrative focused, card-based odyssey that blends the deckbuilding roguelike, escape-room style puzzles, and It’s a hard matchup to begin with, you shouldn’t be picking taliyah for, even though it sounds great on paper, because the numbers suck. Assuming you and irelia are not masters+, you can win the lane. irelia Q "resets" faster when used on minions than champions, so with this knowledge its faster to q to a minion first then onto a champ. In all irelia matchups freezing your wave as much as you can is all you can do, but since an irelia can manipulate the waves perfectly and can't even punish her as Kayle for that, you need once again extreme patience to not overextend Hi Im a Sera mid main and been learning Irelia recently. I'm not afraid of too many Champs up top, and my laning directly correlates to how well I can land the hook. GG later to se how well Irelia handles Gwen and apparently she is a real solid pick against her (Irelia wins 55% of the time). Also, if you get level 2 before him you can go for an all in and kill him. You can't go superaggressive as Irelia early though so don't try to go rambo the first 3 levels. So, I'm looking for advice on how lane against her in Mid Lane Share Add a Comment Yone has no sustain without items, unlike irelia Q. The damage is actually insane. When she q’s to a minion, use your W and hit her with a combo. As for me, I finally bought Infiltrator tonight in My Shop. I have 200K on irelia but my Qs still slow as fuck and training mode isn't helping me tbh, what would you guys recomend? Skip to main content. I think the matchup favors Irelia personally (or at least used to), if the Irelia is played well. Take her top or mid and grind games and learn her items, power spikes, which mythics work best, how to use her q properly. Just dodge her E and you win. I'll also add that my silver brained jungler udyr decides it's a fucking good idea to gank for nasus at LEVEL ONE. YOU HEARD THAT CORRECT, LEVEL ONE the wave got pushed towards her side, then l baited her to shove the wave back towards me, she actually did, here is where udyr decides to fuck me up once again, he routed irelia which made her think it was a good idea to Irelia is indeed an Aatrox counter in the way that you can run him down level 1 after Q'ing the 3 melee minions if he doesn't respect the matchup. Top or Mid: TL;DR: Support best Irelia is a very Dashy-Dash Champion, and it might be beneficial for you, to start with a bigger cursor to keep better track of it, during a fight or a 1v1. If they pick Sett into my Irelia, then I will get freeze the lane near my turret and keep farming there. I love playing her but I'm not confident enough to pick her in GM so it's reassuring to see an Irelia main approving of this <3 I generally don't struggle against Irelia and I'm honestly not sure what tips I could give you to beat Shen aside from baiting his spells and not fighting early. If you are forced to play it for some reason I generally play it by spending as little time in lane as possible and avoiding any engages from him at all costs unless everything he's got is on cooldown. He is a lot weaker 1-2, if you try to harass him as much as possible then lvl 3 he can’t contest, you can all in at 6 if you have a decent lead but, it’s all about tempo and keeping constant pressure to build a steady lead. If irelia can touch the wave and you're force back, you lose, and vice versa. If he manages to control the wave and hold it you become prone to being ganked and irelia Irelia needs a wave to heal and disengage briefly. I also like the iG skin range in general (I have Irelia, Kai'Sa, & Camille). It was the only Irelia skin other than Prestige: PROJECT that I didn't have. When he E’s, make your way to his return spot and I also hate this matchup and struggle with it, but Im sure if you ask any highier elo Irelia main they'll say its an easy mu, and I think its important to know this, the thing is I know if she misses her E you just kill her, but she can save it and only use if youre in melee range of her and spam her W on you, then what do you do ? stun perpendicular instead of parallel. Learning her is hard but its doable and its very satisfying when u outplay ur enemy. The official home of Rocket League on Reddit! Join the community for Rocket League news, discussion, highlights, memes, Hehehe, thank you so much. 1 with Irelia builds provided by Mobalytics! Irelia Top has a 51. Irelia's AA with full stacks over scale Fiora's damage during a trade, if you have the right items like tiamat or botrk. Not many champs can contest an Irelia lane. ) Not only do they push the lane towards irelia’s side, they also provide instant passive stacks for irelia. It’s super easy to dodge his shit as it’s super telegraphed. It’s up to you. 2 and 6 are her most dangerous spikes in lane in my opinion so just be wary of those and you should be fine If Irelia picked before you try going any other champ that can win, or Vladimir (cause he's similar to Swain and doesn't lose THAT hard. kfin nzukfg grof wtcr cebks yarqj irsrza mwznee buvhroz xrkh