
Sheriff police scanner. Follansbee police and fire.

Sheriff police scanner 7/10/2021 - Upgraded scanner from a Uniden BCT15X to a Uniden SDS200 and using Radio Feed. Weirton, Police and Fire. i think its good that we get to listen to the police radio its very cool im gonna listen to it all night Dec. With the ability to browse through thousands of scanner radio feeds from all over the world, you can listen to top feeds, including Chicago Police Zone 10 - Districts 10 and 11, Portland Police and Multnomah County Sheriff Dispatch, Cleveland Police Dispatch and Metro Housing Authority, Buchanan County Sheriff and EMS, St Joseph Police / Fire, Fresno City Police, Fire and EMS, Springfield Monroe County Sheriff Dept, Monroe City police, Fire Dispatch and EMS Dispatch for Monroe County Michigan. There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: known as “Big Stick”, NI4CE is West Central Florida’s regional VHF/UHF Amateur Radio communications connection. BCFR Dispatch 2, TAC 1,TAC 2, TAC 3, TAC 53, Admin, Air Ops Med. is transmitting. There are no commercially made scanners that will decrypt encryption. Verdugo Fire Red 1 and Hollywood Burbank Airport dispatch. Unit Numbers: A##-E## - ACSO Patrol Units 3 days ago · Greater Austin/Travis Regional Radio System (GATRRS) Project 25 Phase II: Williamson County Sheriff operates on this system, however ALL communications are encrypted and cannot be monitored. For the northern half of the city use the "San Diego City Police and Fire Dispatch" feed. Each sheriff's station has a Dispatch channel and a Local Tactical ('L-TAC') channel, each of which may be permanently shared with one or more other stations depending on the volume of station radio activity. Live Feeds - 7,551: Total Listeners - 47,286: Top Listeners - Sussex County Fire and Springfield Police and Fire, Greene County Sheriff a Feed Status: Listeners: 133. They let users tune into over 100,000 radio stations. 189. 415 MHz Rochester Rochester Fd/Ems: 154. Monroe County EMS Dispatch. Get the app to listen Feed currently has: Whatcom county sheriff and Bellingham Police. Monroe County Sheriff Dept Dispatch. 38500 Gallatin County Fire South 158. WestLib VFD. Greenville EMS on 155. Sheriff, EMS, Hamilton Police Hamilton Darke County Fire, Rescue and Police Working on the updated MARCS database. 895: Riverside County Sheriff - TAC: Riverside County Sheriff Broadcastify Calls is a full-featured managed radio calls ingest platform utilizing software defined receivers (SDRs). To use a police scanner, you will need a scanner receiver, an antenna, and a power source. Also picks up Northwest Fire and rescue. 10-4 Copy. 875: WQWJ995: BM: CC 1 TG * SL * Special Ops: Special Ops (Group Call 5000 / TS1) DMR: Public Works: 155. Muskingum County Fire Control Alpha Tag: FD60DISP DEC: 37000 HEX: 9088 OSHP (Ohio State Highway Patrol) Post 60 (Muskingum & Coshocton Counties) Sacramento County Sheriff and Area Police - South Includes Oak Park, Fruitridge, Florin, Franklin, Freeport, Tahoe Park, Curtis Park, Land Park, Meadowview, Mack, Stockton, MLK, and surrounding areas. Stanislaus Regional 911. There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: The WIN System is a network of over 70 Amateur Radio repeaters covering a large part of California as well as regions in Canada and 11 other States. North Tahoe - CHP, Sheriff, Fire, Search and Rescue & Marine This feed is meant to help anyone in the north Lake Tahoe area know what's going on. 175: Greer, Bolings Springs, Pelham-Batesville, Taylors - also on Palmetto 800 *iPhone users prefer downloading “Police 5-0,”, once downloaded you can use the local feed “San Bernardino County Sheriff and Fire system 1” to hear to public scanners. 27250) - CalFire Air Tactics 22 (151. Listen Feed Genre Listeners Player Selection Links Status Los Angeles County Sheriff Dispatch 7 (Lomita) and Dispatch 12 (South LA) Los Angeles County Sheriff: [Dispatch 7]: Avalon, Lomita, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills, Rolling Hills Estates and [Dispatch 12]: Lawndale, Lennox. Erie Police Dispatch. Broadcastify Calls is a full-featured managed radio calls ingest platform utilizing software defined receivers (SDRs). All streams are broadcast simultaneously Left: - CalFire Air Tactics 21 (151. TPD is unusually radio quiet most likely due to heavy MDT dispatching. 790 MHz W6BA // via KM6IAU Yucca Valley This feed is an Allstar node (#503088) connected to a radio tuned to our local amateur radio repeater transmitting on 146. View Subcategory Details Police: FM: Law Dispatch: 464. I will using my Uniden BC796D with a Vertical Antenna. 15 Listeners: California Fire Special 1 Listen to Sarasota County Sheriff, Venice and North Port Police. Chippewa Falls PD and County Sheriff. Rebuilding Server Room and may have some more intermittent down time over the holidays12/19/2022: Public Safety 1 Broadcastify Calls is a full-featured managed radio calls ingest platform utilizing software defined receivers (SDRs). Running new HomePatrol II scanner, so still working out the bugs. SCANNER CODES — Police Scanner 10 Codes. Public Safety 1 Feb 16, 2025 · All San Diego County 800MHz radios are programmed with 8CALL90, 8TAC91, 8TAC92, 8TAC93, 8TAC94, CALAW8 and CAFIRE1 channels in addition to the County channels listed below. I am a scanner hobbyist for about 40 years and on my feed. Also covers Rancho Cordova, Sunrise, Downtown, Central & East Sac. We have over 5300 radios programmed for this channel. This is new as of 06/28/2023 so There Might be some trouble shooting along the way so thank you for listening and you're patience as we get it going and refined. Amateur Radio 0 : Online: Portland and Western Railroad in Hillsboro: Rail 1 Washington County Sheriff Dispatch Washington County Oregon Sheriff Channel 1: Public Oct 22, 2024 · Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Sacramento County, California (CA) Sheriff. 11 Listeners: Burbank Police, Fire and Surrounding LAPD Dispatch Burbank and Glendale Police dispatch. Luckily, the SDS can be used as a regular scanner while feed is being broadcasted! The world's largest source of public safety, aircraft, rail, and marine radio live audio streams Feb 20, 2025 · Police scanner frequencies are vital for getting updates on emergencies. 675: Police / Public Works In Carol Stream, Illinois, police scanners can be tuned to frequencies in the 800 MHz band. If you are interested in running a node, please see Broadcastify Calls for more details. If available, see below for a list of known police frequencies for Los Angeles County in California. 6 PL: LQ-1-RPT: Code Enforcement City Hall repeater: FMN: Public Works: 159. The system consists of numerous fulltime RF linked 440 MHz repeaters connecting San Diego to San Francisco and Lake Tahoe. 610 This feed Includes four of Muskingum County's MARCS (Multi Agency Radio Communication System) talk-groups. 30250) - CalFire Air Tactics 24 (151. 10 . ACSO units are dispatched on this channel alongside Jackson PD, New Ellenton PD, Wagener PD, and Burnettown PD. 1450MHz Boulder County Sheriff's Office law dispatch and other county law agencies included except for CSP, City of Longmont and City of Boulder Boulder County Fire (formerly Red 1) - 154. CHP, LA County Fire & Sheriff's Dept. Monroe County Fire Dept Dispatch. 77. 295 MHz Durham Durham Fd: 152. Follansbee police and fire. I will be monitoring the Bakersfield Police, Sheriff ,Fire and EMT and the small cities nearby. All Law enforcement will be on the Right channel , All EMS and Fire dispatch and response will be on Left channel. Use other Broward County Feed which now has all of Sacramento County Sheriff and City Police. Police: Algona, Auburn, Black Diamond, Des Moines, Federal Way, Kent, KC Sheriff (Southwest, Southeast), Renton, Pacific, Renton, Tukwila, Listen to Crawford County Sheriff, Police, Fire and EMS. Montana State Interagency Mutual Aid Channels. Multiple antennas mounted on a 60 ft Rhon tower provides excellent signal. All sites are linked. 235: Canebrake, Dunklin, Landrum (mutual aid only), River Falls, Slater/Marietta Firecomm on 154. Wellsburg fire. Calls Coverage. m. 10-1 Reception poor. Fire: Stanwood/North County Fire/EMS, Arlington Fire, Oso Fire. Sacramento County Sheriff - TAC: Sacramento Regional Radio Communications System (SRRCS) P25: 2991: Sacramento County Sheriff - TAC: Sacramento Regional Radio Communications System (SRRCS) P25: 3083: Sacramento County Sheriff - TAC: Sacramento Regional Radio Communications System (SRRCS) P25: 3207: Sacramento County Sheriff - TAC ** The SIRN digital radio system is now supported ** ** Analog channels will be removed when the transition to the SIRN radio system is complete ** Brooke County Sheriff,Fire and EMS. 265 MHz and Ravalli County Sheriff, Hamilton Police, Fire and EMS Includes MT Hwy Patrol. Please DO NOT use this streaming audio service for performing a radio chec: Amateur Radio 3 known as “Big Stick”, NI4CE is West Central Florida’s regional VHF/UHF Amateur Radio communications connection. Public Safety 10 Sacramento County Sheriff and Area Police - South: Sacramento: SCANNER,Public Safety: Sacramento County Sheriff and City Police: Sacramento: SCANNER,Public Safety: Sacramento Regional Fire and EMS: Sacramento: SCANNER,Public Safety: Solano County Fire 1: Sacramento: SCANNER,Public Safety: BEU CAL FIRE and San Benito County Public Safety: San County Law enforcement dispatch 1(sheriff/ small towns) -alpha tag 48 law 1 DEC 48001 County Law Enforcement dispatch 2 ( sheriff/ small towns) -alpha tag 48 law 2 Dec 48002 Anderson talkgroupsDec 48011 Hex bb8b alpha tag 48APD 1- dispatch Dec 48012 Hex bb8c alpha tag 48APD 2- dispatch Listen to real-time radio communications from the Sacramento Police, Sheriff, and Fire Departments. Non Trunked Talk-Around (TA) Frequencies (sometimes encrypted) are Supplementary and used on Local basis as needed. Live Feeds - 7,581: This feed is for the San Joaquin County Sheriff Dispatch Channel. Defiance County Sheriff, City Police, Fire and EMS - Digital Live Audio Feed. There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: Westside Radio Club Repeater - W9WRC 440. 39: Maricopa County Sheriff - Alternate: Maricopa County Sheriff: 159. 0 AllStar 504180 - Antelope, CA The WU6H repeater is located in Antelope, CA and serves Northern Sacramento County. 00:00 Play Live. Omni-direction discone antenna. Adams County Fire and EMS: Adams: SCANNER,Public Safety Adams County Law Enforcement: Adams: SCANNER,Public Safety Aurora Fire: Adams: SCANNER,Public Safety Feed Notes. 72500 Bozeman Fire Department 154. This is a stereo audio feed. Amateur Radio 1 Boulder County Law (formerly Green channel) - 155. 1: Onondaga County (NY) Public Safety Amateur Radio 0 : Online: HF Hurricane / Disaster Nets Includes Hurricane Watch 3. 2: City of Syracuse (NY) Fire & EMS This playlist focuses on the City of Syracuse, New York Fire and EMS services only. Cocoa Beach PD and FD Dispatch, Fire TAC 50. Police Scanner 10 Codes. Public Safety 35 Includes Ripley, Carter, Dunklin, and Cape Girardeau Counties Sheriff, Sikeston Public Safety, Wayne County Sheriff, Missouri Highway Patrol Interop Moswin. Listen to Pinellas County Sheriff and EMS, Clearwater / St. Listen Feed Genre Listeners Player Selection Links Status; Cal Fire Air This feed is generated by Watch Duty Echo. 325 R (118. Public Safety 2 Washtenaw County Sheriff / Police Dispatch East/West, Chelsea, Pittsfield, Saline Fire - Dispatch/All Call Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Dexter, Northfield Twp, Pittsfield Twp, Saline, Scio Twp, and Ypsilanti. Using a Uniden BCD996T scanner. Los Angeles County Police Frequencies. Frequencies Monitored: Whatcom County Sheriff Dispatch: 453. 268 MHZ and 14. 125 The WIN System is a network of over 70 Amateur Radio repeaters covering a large part of California as well as regions in Canada and 11 other States. HEX: D628. WE DO NOT MONITOR LAPD or LA City Fire ! now using a BCD436HO Uniden Medina County Sheriff and Fire, Medina / Montville Township Police, Life Support Team (EMS) P25 Digital Scanner listening to the Medina-Harris Phase 2 System (Medina Sheriff, County Parks, Lodi, Medina Twp. This way, people can keep up with local police and emergency services. From the city's new Digital 700mhz system. Alpha Tag: SO60DISP. Programmed to listen to all local talk groups on MPSC Michigan digital trunking system. Updated 2/21/2021. Radio located in south Sacramento. 8 PL: Clovis PD1: Police Dispatch / Ch 2 (Simplex) FMN: Law Dispatch: 453. Dundee Police Dispatch. In June 2024 the police agencies transitioned to a new, encrypted, radio system. NI4CE covers West Central & Southwest Florida and provides seamless coverage along the I-75 and I-4 corridors. Tulare County Sheriff 2 TCSO Channel 2 North End 453. That police call will be broadcast after the fire dept. Rankin County Police and Fire: Stockton Police Dispatch: Ventura Police: Fresno Police, Fire and EMS: Vallejo Police and Fire: Amarillo Police and Fire: Travis County Law Enforcement: Mat-Su Borough Police, Fire and EMS Dispatch: Tucson Police Dispatch: LaSalle, Livingston Marshall Counties Sheriff, Fire and EMS: Shenandoah County Fire and Rescue Listen Feed Genre Listeners Player Selection Links Status; Amateur Radio Repeater WU6H 444. Public Safety 2 PUBLIC Police and Fire dispatch in Pierce & King County * Use of a police scanner in the commission of a crime is a felony * * Your IP address is: 40. 10-6 Busy. Our Scanner has the following agencies: LA County sheriffs Palmdale / Lancaster, LA County Fire Palmdale / Lancaster, USFS Angeles National Forest, Palmdale / Lancaster CHP (Tan2), California Dept of Fish & Wildlife. 7875 Talkgroup: 21551, 21602, 21804, 21805 and 21703 Aiken County Sheriff Dispatch. Public Safety 24 Feed Notes. The scanner is a Uniden Bearcat BC80XLT in my attic so the reception isn't great but hopefully better than nothing! Feb 21, 2025 · Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 460. This feed is supported voluntarily with my radio equipment, and not for profit. 22, 2015, 8:54 a. Feed Broadcast is from west central kitsap county using (2) Uniden BCT 15 x scanners fed to stereo sound card. 25000 Gallatin County Sheriff's Office North 154. Jan 24, 2025 · Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 159. Local police frequencies, like those for Cheboygan City Police and Grand Traverse County Sheriff, are available online or through local police. Volume: A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at the start of this feed. 9000 MHz Repeater: Pima: SCANNER,Amateur Radio: Mount Lemmon Radio Club Allstarlink Hub Node 526384: Pima: SCANNER,Amateur Radio Online: Greenville Public Safety We have all of Greenville County Police / Fire / EMS/ life flight/ South Carolina Highway Patrol. Department of Natural Resources Hunting/Fishing law enforcement. 175: KME542: RM: 114. When severe weather is present in the Milwaukee metro area, there will be possible active weather net controlled by MASA. Live stream plus station schedule and song playlist. Amateur Radio 1 Feb 4, 2025 · Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Whatcom County, Washington (WA) Sheriff Dispatch: FMN: Law Dispatch: 453. Milan Police Disptach. 2 days ago · Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Kern County, California (CA) Interested in purchasing a scanner for Snohomish County? Here are a few options we have picked out and recommend. By listening to these frequencies, you can stay informed and help keep your community Oct 22, 2024 · Listen to real-time radio communications from the Sacramento Police Department, Sacramento Sheriff's Department and other area emergency services Malibu Area Scanner Feed including Agoura Hills, Calabasas, Hidden Hills, WestLake Village & Topanga Cyn. No ads for Feb 4, 2025 · Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Dane County, Wisconsin (WI) Police are dispatched by the County Sheriff's Office. 99500 Gallatin County Fire North 154. This SDR is best method for simulcast systems. The Calnet Repeater Group is a multi linked amateur radio Repeater System covering most of California and parts of Nevada. 1300. Listen to Stanislaus County Sheriff and Fire Dispatch, Ceres Police Dispatch, and Modesto Police Dispatch. Please DO NOT use this streaming audio service for performing a radio chec: Amateur Radio 5 Stanislaus County Sheriff and Fire Dispatch, Ceres Police Dispatch, and Modesto Police Dispatch Live Audio Feed on Broadcastify. Beofeng and similar dirt cheap Chinese radios are NOT scanners! They are NOT operator friendly, they don't have the control functions of a scanner, have inferior quality circuitry, and don't cover critical freqencies, such as CHP and Aircraft. 3 days ago · Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 154. Amateur Radio 1 Broadcastify Calls is a full-featured managed radio calls ingest platform utilizing software defined receivers (SDRs). They are as follows: Muskingum County Sheriffs Office. Ohio MARCS-IP: Multi-Agency Radio Communications (P25) Project 25 Phase I, APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive; (Feed provided by Radio Shack Pro 197 Dig Police Radio 10-Codes Ten-codes, also known as 10-codes or ten signals, are code words used by many police officers to aid with voice communication. Scanner used is a BCD396T . Amateur Radio 2 SC-Police 1 - TG: 4816 - Dispatch for Edmonds, Mt. known as “Big Stick”, NI4CE is West Central Florida’s regional VHF/UHF Amateur Radio communications connection. Public Safety 6 Northern California NOAA Weather Radio NOAA Weather Radio from Wolf Mountain in Nevada county 162. Enjoy 73's Kg6fos May 13, 2018 · The Shasta County Sheriff and Redding Police Dispatch scanner stream provides audio from the radio communications between the emergency dispatch center and emergency services providers See more in Shasta, CA, United States, including Redding Police F-1 and Sheriff Office F-1. Montville, Seville, & Westfield Police Department as well as Medina Fire/LST & County Fire Dispatch Channel). call is finished. Broward County Police and Sheriff Moved to Broward County North feed until 10/18 South of the I-595 Broward County Includes Hollywood PD , Pembroke Pines PD, Davie PD, Dania beach (BSO), Hallandale (BSO), Cooper City (BSO), Miramar (BSO), FLL Airport (BSO) and BCFD Status: Down until Oct 18. All the good stuff. Jan 27, 2025 · All Cities Utilize Countywide Coordinated Communications System (CCCS) Trunked Radio System. Monroe City Police Dept Dispatch. Coverage is around Southeastern Wisconsin. Silverdale is on the Kitsap peninsula. Get the app to listen Feed Notes. Amateur Radio 3 San Diego City Police Dispatch Scanning San Diego Police Southern, South Eastern, Mid City and Central Dispatch 1 and 2, plus event dispatch and tacs. Carleton Police Dispatch. There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: Listen Feed Genre Listeners Player Selection Links Status Cerro Gordo County Sheriff, Mason City Police and Fire This scanner now is running in the Iowa ISICS system. /// Use of a police scanner in the commission of a crime is a felony. The codes were originally developed in 1937 to allow for brevity, clarity, and standardization of messages transmitted over radio channels. 060: KNHG381: RM: 233. I am an Amateur Radio operator, a Broadcast Engineer, an Aviator, and resident of the Santa Clarita Valley. Vernon Area State Patrol, North Snohomish County Sheriff, Stanwood PD, Arlington PD. Ravalli Co. Note: The garbled audio you hear is from encrypted transmissions and is not a technical issue. 650 - TCSO Stations Visalia and Orosi, as well as Exeter, Farmersville and Woodlake PDs New beat areas 60A/60B/60C are basically central Visalia areas not within the city. 92 * San Joaquin County Sheriff Dispatch Live Audio Feed. LAPD Foothill (16), North Hollywood (15), Northeast (11), HotShot. 10-2 Reception good. No ads for Clark County SHERIFF & OSP & County Fire/EMS Some talkgroups are muted you'll see a (* or a Red speaker with X) next to the talk group/pager you'll see them in the list but wont hear them on left Feed Notes. Choose a Talk Group Pierce County Police: Bonney Lake PD , Buckley PD , Edgewood PD , Fife PD , Lakewood PD , Milton PD , Orting PD , Puyallup PD , Puyallup Tribal PD , Sumner PD , Tacoma PD , WSP Pierce and Pierce County Sheriff Burbank Police Primary Dispatch Official Burbank Police Department audio feed. Control Freq: 853. com Turlock Police and Fire, CA State University Police This feed broadcasts TPD 1, TPD 2, TFD Cmd 1, TFD Cmd 2, TFD Dispatch, and CSUS 1 from the Turlock Police Department's Project 25 Phase I radio system. 3250MHz Boulder County Fire dispatch which includes all volunteer fire departments, EMS, rescue except for Listen online to Santa Clara County Sheriff, Police, Fire, CHP, and CAL FIRE radio station for free – great choice for Los Gatos, United States. There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: City of Kalispell, Whitefish and Columbia Falls: Police, Fire and EMS; Montana Highway Patrol District 6. Stay updated with live audio feeds from emergency services in the Sacramento area. Get the app to listen Alfred & Waterboro Fire / Rescue, York County Sheriff, Maine State Police South: Public Safety 8 Online: York: AllStar Node 50281: Amateur Radio 0 Online: York: Buxton Fire-Rescue and Buxton Police: Public Safety 1 Online: York: Kennebunk Fire Rescue: Public Safety 2 Online: York Kennebunkport Fire Department: Public Safety 4 Online: York known as “Big Stick”, NI4CE is West Central Florida’s regional VHF/UHF Amateur Radio communications connection. Right side is broadcasting Clinton PD North & South repeaters, Anderson County Emergency Managment Services, Clinton Fire Dept. There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: Los Angeles County Sheriff Dispatch 9 - Carson/Compton Live Audio Feed. Amateur Radio 0 Listen Feed Genre Listeners Player Selection Links Status Spokane County Sheriff and Fire, Spokane City Police / Fire - Digital Spokane News provides this Digital feed broadcasting WSP, Spokane Valley and City Fire Department, SPD, SCSO. Milan Fire Listen Feed Genre Listeners Player Selection Links Status; Lincoln Police and Fire, Lancaster County Sheriff (((Stereo Feed))) Left = LAW, Right= FIRE/EMS LEFT: City 1 West, PD/Sheriff 3 East, Sheriff Evenings 5 EX DISP Right: Lincoln Fire TAC 2 through 7 Listen Feed Genre Listeners Player Selection Links Status; 146. Scanner receivers are available in a variety of models, ranging from simple hand-held units to more complex desktop models. Ventura County Sheriff Ch 1 West County Dispatch (Ojai, Fillmore, Camarillo & Unincorporated West County area) 151. Petersburg Police. 98 MHz Rollinsford RollinsfordFD: 155. 15 MHz Amateur Radio Repeater The Kern County-Central Valley Amateur Radio Club AllStarLink Node 2029 EchoLink Node 487530/W6LIE-R Feed provided by KK9ROB Amateur Radio The following is some technical information about this scanner radio audio feed; - This scanner feed has been broadcasting since February 28, 2010 - - Update March 13, 2023 : We have split the fire operations into a separate feed to reduce the interruptions when monitoring active law enforcement activities. Listen live Santa Clara County Sheriff, Police, Fire, CHP, and CAL FIRE radio with Onlineradiobox. 2375 Mar 7, 2015 · Lake and McHenry County Scanner is your go-to online source for local news and crime as it happens in Lake County, Illinois and McHenry County, Illinois. 425: Riverside County Sheriff - Dispatch: Riverside County Sheriff: 158. System Name Talkgroup Description; Polk, Hardee, Highlands Counties Public Safety: 5000: Polk County Sheriff - Dispatch: Polk, Hardee, Highlands Counties Public Safety Feed Notes **STEREO FEED** Left side is broadcasting Anderson County Sheriff Department 's digital primary channel. Lk. Get the app to listen Brevard County Sheriff East Precinct and Fire, Cocoa Beach Police / Fire BCSO East Dispatch and Ops, Canaveral Ops, and Countywide. Listen to your favorite radio stations at Streema. 8) Sheriff dispatch Feed Notes. 10-3 Doesn’t exsist. 950 MHz, 7. The Sheriff's Office uses 100, 1800 and 1900 numbers. Amateur Radio 1 SCANNER,Aviation Oro Valley Police and Pima County Sheriff: Pima: SCANNER,Public Safety Tucson Police Dispatch: Pima: SCANNER,Public Safety Tucson Police/Fire Citywide: Pima: SCANNER,Public Safety: K7ICU 446. You won't miss a police call while the fire dept. 10-5 Relay. Sutter County Sheriff, Yuba City Police, Fire, and Ambulance This feed is now running on a dedicated raspberry pi with auto-reset when the server drops for a more reliable connection with less downtime. Priority set for Ogemaw County. Most importantly, THANKS for listening! Federal Way Police Department Live Scanner feed From the federal Way police Department. Hooverson Heights fire. Listen Feed Genre Listeners Player Selection Links Status; Mason County Fire, Sheriff, and EMS, Ludington Fire, Police, and EMS Covers Mason County Airport, Amateur Radio Repeaters K8DXF, WB8ERN, Local Power company, Mason and Oceana county Fire and Law enforcement as well as State Parks including Silver Lake Dune communications. 385 MHz County Fi known as “Big Stick”, NI4CE is West Central Florida’s regional VHF/UHF Amateur Radio communications connection. During weather events LA County roads are monitored as well. You can use a scanner or find them online. Current set up is Uniden SDS200 with cat 6 cable along with proscan scanner software Broadcastify Calls is a full-featured managed radio calls ingest platform utilizing software defined receivers (SDRs). As a result this feed includes Hudson PD, but by design all transmissions are queued and played into the stream in sequence so you'll never miss a transmission from any listed agency. GMT Simple Radio, our free iOS and Android app. Clinton PD uses 200 numbers, Oliver Springs PD uses 300 numbers, Norris PD uses 400 numbers, and Memphis Police and Shelby County Sheriff. 550Mhz KEC57 & WWF67 Covering Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, Stanislaus, Yolo, and Yuba counties. San Marcos FD and Sheriff Scanning on San Diego RCS North. 79000. Calls can be qued when it gets busy. Amateur Radio 1 Olean, Cattaraugus County, NY Sheriff, Police, Fire, NYSP Troop-A, VHF , Olean, NY. There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: Broadcastify Calls is a full-featured managed radio calls ingest platform utilizing software defined receivers (SDRs). W6LIE 145. Will hear most of the Lower Michigan talk groups for fire and Police. ENJOY!! Public Safety 10 2 days ago · See the LA County Wiki under "Collaborate" for unit IDs and more information. Feed Status: Listeners: 64. Talkgroups monitored: San Marcos Sheriff Dispatch Fire Disp 1A Dispatch "NorthComm" (1A) NCM TAC 1I (San Marcos, Vista, North County Fire) and related tac groups for these agencies Feed Notes. Public Safety 10 : Online Feed Notes. Feed Status: Listeners: 119. Tactical police channels are not allowed by Broadcastify. 025+ PL100. Helpful Information: Aiken County 10 Codes . Frequency License Type Jan 31, 2012 · Live Police, Fire and Aircraft Scanner serving the Santa Clarita Valley continuously since the "Semi Incident" of 2003. 200 Mhz Amatuer radio club repeater that is located in New Berlin, WI. Snohomish County 911 North Campus Police: South County Sheriff's Office - TG: 1648 Everett Police 1 - TG: 48 - Main Dispatch Tulalip Tribal Police, Snohomish County Sheriff and Fire - North Police: West Snohomish County Area State Patrol, Mt. This feed broadcasts Aiken County Sheriff Dispatch (TG 20501) from the Palmetto 800 Aiken County Simulcast site. The online scanner is fed by a Uniden BCD536HP scanner via RadioFeed which includes alpha tags & covers the following talkgroups: Memphis Police: Austin Peay Station; Raines Station; Mt Moriah Station; Crump Station; Tillman Station; North Main Station; Airways Station; Appling Farms Station; Ridgeway Station; Shelby County Sheriff: SO-1 Online Northern New England Fire and EMS Strafford County Dover Dover Fire: 154. Or, navigate to your city or town to view your local city and/or police frequencies within Los Angeles County, California. 2375: KME542 known as “Big Stick”, NI4CE is West Central Florida’s regional VHF/UHF Amateur Radio communications connection. Volume: A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at Houston Police Department - All Districts Airport-Hobby Division - District 23 Airport-IAH Division - District 21 Central Division - District 1, 2 Clear Lake Division - District 12 Downtown Division - District 1 Eastside Division - District 11 Kingwood Division-District 24 Midwest Divis SCANNER,Other Brevard County Sheriff - North, Titusville Police: Brevard: SCANNER,Public Safety Brevard County Sheriff - West, Cocoa and Rockledge Police: Brevard: SCANNER,Public Safety Palm Bay Police, Brevard County Sheriff Dispatch - South: Brevard: SCANNER,Public Safety Titusville / Brevard County Fire: Brevard: SCANNER,Public Safety Oro Valley Police and Pima County Sheriff PCWIN North Simulcast with Oro Valley Police and Pima County Sheriff’s Office talkgroups set as priority. Public Safety 11 Listen to the public safety scanner for any broadcasts going through the Mason City radio tower, from the Cerro Gordo County Sheriff and Mason City Police and Fire Departments. Los Angeles County Sheriff Dispatch 3,8,9,13,14; California Highway Patrol: South LA & East LA; Downey Fire Live Audio Feed on Broadcastify. 09: Maricopa County Sheriff - TAC: Maricopa County Sheriff Dec 9, 2024 · Apps like Scanner Radio, 5-0 Radio, and Police Scanner X are free to download. 0625 MHz Somersworth Somersworth FD: 154. 790MHz in Yucca Valley, CA. Due to the size this system. Live Feeds - 7,555: Total Listeners - 54,805: Top Listeners - Indianapolis Metropolit Frequency Description Agency; 156. com SCANNER,Public Safety: Columbia Police and Boone County Sheriff: Boone: SCANNER,Public Safety: Buchanan County Sheriff and EMS, St Joseph Police / Fire: Buchanan: SCANNER,Public Safety: Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Missouri Public Safety: Butler: SCANNER,Public Safety: Poplar Bluff Fire Dept: Butler: SCANNER,Public Safety: Southeast City of Cincinnati Fire Department, on Ohio MARCS - IP CFD Zone A EMS and Fire Zones B-J. Terrace, Mukilteo, Brier, Woodway SC-Police 2 - TG: 4880 - Dispatch for Lynnwood and Mill Creek SC-Police 3 - TG: 4944 - Alternate Dispatch/Overflow. 0075 MHz Durham Fire: 154. Feed Notes. Scanner Radio. Jan 30, 2025 · Some maintain their private radio systems as back-up and secondary operations. 10/13/2022, started a feed to replace the Whatcom County Sheriff, Bellingham and Western Washington University Police that went offline 10/7-10/8 . 28750) - CalFire Air Tactics 23 (151. DEC: 54824. Bozeman Police Department 154. Beech Bottom fire. City of Syracuse (NY) Police, Fire & EMS This playlist focuses on City of Syracuse, New York Police, Fire and EMS public safety communications. 060: KNHG381 Frequency Description Agency; 159. SDR can que many calls at once. com Sheriff Dispatch (8432) Grand Junction Police Dispatch (8431) Fire Dispatch (8441) Incident 1, Incident 2, Incident 3 (Mesa Shared) Uniden SDS200 Status: POLICE COMMS ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE. No scanners can do this and you may miss important calls. Guilford County Sheriff and Greensboro Police Dispatch: Guilford: SCANNER,Public Safety: Guilford Metro Fire: Holly Springs Police: Wake: SCANNER,Public Safety Feb 3, 2025 · Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Yates County, New York (NY) Sheriff - Secondary: FMN: Law Talk: F5 Fire Police: FMN: Fire-Tac: 465. 325 MHz, Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio 7. sywl rlenzn rhzxuwl aliy xrot qzdwm kfwusb ztwv icbluyye mgmar hutldvo oew xfepp nsq jymbyx