Octoprint password not working Jan 25, 2025 · With version 1. One is the password you use for sshing into the pi, factory default is pi/raspberry. I saw a post that said using an ssd was the same as a microSD and not a problem so that is what I was doing. The only difference is that its no longer hooked to Ethernet. I have tried 4 different wifi networks and none of them work. You can also see that the webcam remained as Device 004 throughout. Model info and layer info are also not working. txt and added: camera="raspi" camera_raspi_options="-x 1920 -y 1080 -fps 30" I Aug 15, 2021 · Hi, Am trying to install Octoprint but on TFT and Putty user is ok but I can't get pass the password, on the computer screen it won't allow anything to happen, on the TFT it just reverts to octopi login after I try to enter my password. Rakuten Employees: Do not attempt to distribute your referral codes. It did not work immediately so the fix above does not work across reboots. Apr 19, 2024 · Well, finally got it to work, but the problem was the last thing I expected. 12 and higher. Running Octoprint Version 1. Nov 15, 2019 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. I did connect that one to my second Nov 6, 2021 · camera with login not working, when disable login its working well but I don't want to use open cam on the internet. But a while ago i had the same problem. Everything works perfect, except for the camera. It might ask you to change that if you would like, I would highly recommend to do so but remember it as you will need it again soon (The password can be changed in raspi-config as well). Have you tried running in safe mode? WRITE HERE. zip (16. Maybe you did not open the port or maybe you think it is on a different port than it is. Wrong pw, but i was sure it was the right. Thanks! EDIT: I did add 24" ribbon cable to cam to better locate but check connections and looks good. 10. I am a newbie I'm sure I am nit inputting it correctly but thanks for your help 👍👍 Jul 29, 2021 · There are 2 different user/password pairs that you have to use when installing and starting octoprint. Mar 29, 2018 · I have not done this, so am not the one to guide you through this process. I tried the suggested URL in the "Snapshot URL" (originally, mine was looking just like yours except "Enable watermark") When tested it failed. 3 OctoPi 0. You're asked to set this when OctoPrint runs the first time (first time setup wizard). 3. 168. I logged in to my Pi Jan 2, 2016 · Gcode viewer is not working for me. This is driving me nuts. Jul 29, 2021 · The gui you are talking about is the RaspberryPiOS desktop. Apr 7, 2019 · Hello, I have totally forgotten the username and password for the Pi itself rather than the Octoprint user. 5 the correct SSID and password are automatically loaded I set wireless LAN country to US Locale settings are automatically loaded correctly SAVE And write. local's password: I just purchased RPi 3 B+ and did a fresh image on a new Sandisk 32GB micro SD card. txt, reboot - webcam working again TechneCollab September 28, 2021, 7:37am May 29, 2020 · What is the problem? Octoprint stopped working after I tried to flash Prusa firmware from . May 17, 2018 · I am at my wits end. 87's password: login as: pi pi@octopi. Perhaps someone else Jul 2, 2023 · OctoPrint (& I suspect all 3rd party apps) don't support RTSP streams. It will work over ethernet though. Jul 30, 2021 · The gui you are talking about is the RaspberryPiOS desktop. Nothing showed up on the Anything relevant to living or working in Japan such as lifestyle, food, style, environment, education, technology, housing, work, immigration, sport etc. I downloaded an app to scan for ip addresses because when i tried to use the ifconfig function it listed everything but the ip address. Aug 23, 2022 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. 2 Python 3. Nov 28, 2019 · Not sure if I observe the same item with this: logon (as user octoadm) Then close browser (alt-F4) Then open browser again and open the octoprint webpage; result: I have to logon by manually entering user and password. If the camera provides a plain mjpg stream, then that works otherwise you're out of luck with that camera I suspect. Everything else works. Jun 11, 2023 · cd into the OctoPrint folder; enter source venv/bin/activate; Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. See full list on 3dprintbeast. I had issues with the Pi Imager not creating my specified username and password. In fact, you can actually have TWO IP's on the same machine at the same time, one from wired, one from wifi. Jul 2, 2020 · Next it will ask for a password which is "raspberry" by default, again no "". May 17, 2018 · Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera Module V2 - 8MP. There is a plugin available that helps some of the way by reverse engineering the protocol, but it still does not help completely and the author has given up development now because it was too difficult. I think I've reached out on Github before though. It says this site cant be reached. 67, and the newer Pi used 192. The original one has always used an ip address of 192. 18. May 17, 2024 · What is the problem? When trying to confirm API for OctoDash, I am asked to put in my password. Any help would be appreciated. Feb 13, 2019 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. I do not want to have to use my ethernet connection all the time for this so I want to use wifi. Jul 29, 2021 · If you installed OctoPi, there is no Raspbian Gui, just the command line level. Default "pi" and "rasberry" not working. I don't really mind since my firewall/router has a static lease of this IP address to my printer by its MAC address so it will keep getting the same one. There is a plugin available that helps some of the way by reverse engineering the protocol, but it still does not help completely and the author has Sep 28, 2021 · Octoprint was working, webcam not. It's a good idea to put that one back. Another possible reason are stuck requests, preventing any Jul 8, 2022 · What is the problem? I am trying to get the latest version of octopi working using headless wifi setup. the password I set and other generic passwords (raspberry, password, etc) do not work. Is there a way I can reset it rather than a full reinstall? I tried opening the file 'cmdline. I set up a new Octoprint instance (via OctoPi the image: version 1. Its always been stored in my password manager, but now the password no longer works for some reason. hex file. I just wanted to let you know it is possible, and hopefully someone on here will point you in the right direction. Have you ssh'd in and run "sudo apt update" and "sudo apt full-upgrade -y"? If not, run those. Jun 3, 2021 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. I have tried various options Jul 29, 2021 · The other one is your username and password when running OctoPrint. ) Jan 2, 2020 · I have two PCs to work with, neither can get me in via PuTTY. camera with login not working, when disable login its working well but I don't want to use open cam on the internet. Can't login remotely to change with ssh because I can't see network now. If i am on terminal and i try any input i just get the same message for everything it just says permission denied not sure why. I want to use the ESP32 camera module as the web cam however it just doesn't seem to work. The time-lapse works fine, its just the stream. local only faster. 0 (Windows NT 10. basically making a new password for the "pi" system account. Dec 2, 2020 · Note the webcam is now Device 011 even though it has not been changed/unplugged. Once you have reset the OctoPi password (assuming the username is still "pi"), you can then proceed to reset the OctoPrint password using the link @jcassel posted. I was able to instantly connect to Octopi using my web browser. I edited octopi. yaml replace firstRun: false with firstRun: true Jun 26, 2021 · You'll need to do this via the command line (e. Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera Module V2 - 8MP octoprint-2. Tried with both Window's default SSH command and with putty, access denied on both. Oct 24, 2023 · Take the SD card out, put it in a card reader. Upon entering the all time working admin login and password, I'm told Incorrect username/pa May 16, 2018 · I provided my screenshot from earlier. Seem you only have command line, no gui, so what happens when you do a Curl on the url, you should get something back. Tell Mikitani to take his forced marketing and shove it where the sun don't shine. To verify that the RPi 3B+ is fully functional, flash the default Raspberry Pi OS and verify that the WiFi network is working. 3 instances on 2 rock64's are now DIW, Cant''t login to the web page at localhost:5000, or from another machine at rock64:5000 both of which worked with 1. I ran into this problem when trying to print straight from Cura when the password login came up I never have Octoprint ask for a password. Plugged it in again and seems it got better after i rebooted but now it says "webcam stream loading" Never loads. May 16, 2018 · I provided my screenshot from earlier. I have two Pi's set up, one for each of my 3D printers. One of my biggest problems is, that I don´t underrstand most of the tips from other threads. Jul 29, 2021 · There are 2 different user/password pairs that you have to use when installing and starting octoprint. txt, reboot - webcam working again TechneCollab September 28, 2021, 7:37am Apr 27, 2023 · The image build now installs from that apt repo and thus makes it possible to update `camera-streamer` to a later version as necessary, e. Jul 1, 2018 · I have edited the file to configure the wifi and it will not conect. Some very basic knowledge is required for the "care and feeding" of a Raspberry Pi. login as: pi pi@192. Jul 10, 2022 · You might try working through WiFi setup and troubleshooting Most of it was written before the Control-Shift-X method of setting up WiFi was implemented, but the common WiFi problems and troubleshooting methods are still the same. txt' and add 'init=/bin/sh' to the end. May 18, 2018 · You might try running this on the Raspi: cat /var/log/syslog|grep "wlan0: leased" May 11 16:17:12 charming-pascal dhcpcd[641]: wlan0: leased 192. May 20, 2024 · Take the SD card out, put it in a card reader. Nov 9, 2020 · Stuck at octopi login and password. Jul 4, 2023 · OctoPrint (& I suspect all 3rd party apps) don't support RTSP streams. Since OctoPrint and FlashForge printers don't play nice with each other, one could argue that using OctoPi is of questionable value. ) Oh, I love the Pi NoIR camera. local version of that is useful if you remotely want to see what's going on without using OctoPrint to hand it to you. stl is sliced. The problems started with updating Octoprint automatically. 0 install. But this morning when I went to log in my normal pi raspberry username and password did not work. I´ve read stuff about sudo raspi-config. May 2, 2017 · Hello everyone I've been using the octoprint for quite some time now. If you only have a single user setup in OctoPrint for which you forgot the password, the easiest way is simply resetting OctoPrint's user database and run the access control wizard again. I don´t know if the camera has an LED, but it doesn´t light up as well. I have my difficulties with the guide for 1. 12+ or later version. 0 beta for linux is crashing at the file save after a simple . Nov 28, 2020 · Note the webcam is now Device 011 even though it has not been changed/unplugged. It will update the RaspberryPiOS and could correct May 17, 2022 · Basic Auth password does not seem to work. I am also thinking of setting up an old laptop to image and work with the Pi. Followed instructions to add GUI, seemed to work at first glance, I can still Putty in to the command line with same password, but if I try to login to GUI on actual pi my password doesn't work and also the default password doesn't work. I tried to change the settings accord Nov 6, 2021 · What is the problem? I'm using octoprint on windows. Apr 26, 2022 · I know it's not the question asked, but the Flashforge printers don't work well with OctoPrint anyway. Have you tried running in safe mode and if so Jul 2, 2020 · Hello, I´m setting up octoprint on a printer (Ender 3 Pro) for the first time. I ran raspi-config to enable the camera and rebooted. Jan 3, 2021 · Note the webcam is now Device 011 even though it has not been changed/unplugged. . Jan 15, 2023 · I might try loading it with the Octoprint image and see if that works. Put that in ages ago for cases liked this and for easier provisioning. I took my original SD card and installed Pi OS x64. And I cannot get the camera running. And a few days ago I decided to connect a camera. Apr 29, 2022 · I know it's not the question asked, but the Flashforge printers don't work well with OctoPrint anyway. 3 or 4 no password or name is valid. by SSHing into your Pi or other machine that OctoPrint is installed on - note that the password for SSHing into the Pi is not the one you use to access OctoPrint's web interface, on OctoPi it defaults to the username "pi" and password "raspberry"). In settings the snapshot test works ok but not the stream test. May 29, 2020 · What is the problem? Octoprint stopped working after I tried to flash Prusa firmware from . (The Wifi troubleshooting and setup guide gives some suggestions on good apps to use. On OctoPi: source ~/oprint/bin/activate. I am going to walk you thru the steps of resetting your Octoprint password for version 1. -- Jan 05 10:09:01 octopi systemd Sep 21, 2022 · The problem Just upgraded OctoPrint 1. Those two accounts are completly separate, one is a user account on the OS level, the other a use Nov 9, 2020 · What is the problem? Stuck at octopi login and password. local) username: pi password: raspberry Try simply ping octopi. I don't know for sure if it is because I am switching from USB to PI. 4. Dec 1, 2019 · I have forgotten my log in details for octoprint. Windows Notepad/Wordpad do not work, nor does Apple's TextEdit, unless you modify its settings. octoprint/config. Dec 22, 2024 · Longtime user (since 2010 ish), first time poster. I'm pretty stuck, checking Jul 29, 2021 · The gui you are talking about is the RaspberryPiOS desktop. I did some searching and found that every so often there's the same problem from a user perspective, albeit a different problem in Jun 12, 2022 · I might try loading it with the Octoprint image and see if that works. octoprint-systeminfo-20210815054412. 0 to Octoprint 1. Jul 3, 2023 · OctoPrint (& I suspect all 3rd party apps) don't support RTSP streams. I am wondering if something on my main computer is disrupting my trying to get the Pi working. local (since you established earlier that you're using the OctoPi image download). Apr 11, 2022 · Take the SD card out, put it in a card reader. 7. 70 for a few months before the loading the new camera stack OS. hostname: octopi (octopi. I am lost why I can't log in ssh i get to the password (the one i changed in the pie Oct 31, 2022 · It changes your user password, the same that you using for login to OctoPrint in the browser. The login for the backend (command line level) is login: pi password: raspberry Linux does not echo a keypress when entering the password Be aware of different language keyboard layouts Apr 25, 2021 · What is the problem? I have been using this octoprint raspberry pi 4B for a couple months and it has worked flawlessly for the most part. 3) for another printer and the "Remember Me" checkbox was not working on multiple computers. Nov 9, 2020 · Note the webcam is now Device 011 even though it has not been changed/unplugged. If I try to change the password it says my username is none existent. Im using a raspi model B+ with Jan 5, 2022 · Hey guys, I just installed a pi 4 B with octopring using a picam v2. In Octoprint's Webcam settings, these have been working for me: Nov 14, 2019 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. local rather than octopi. octoprint/users. password@ipaddress:8081/video from anywhere Jul 29, 2021 · There are 2 different user/password pairs that you have to use when installing and starting octoprint. Jan 14, 2023 · I might try loading it with the Octoprint image and see if that works. 87's password: Access denied pi@192. My phone app still kind of work I can do everything except for some reason print does not get the printer going although I can see the code processing. 86. Then, update pi's password either with the command passwd or with raspi-config. I installed it onto my SD card using the Pi Imager. 0 KB). txt, reboot - webcam working again TechneCollab September 28, 2021, 7:37am Jul 29, 2021 · The gui you are talking about is the RaspberryPiOS desktop. Jun 12, 2022 · I might try loading it with the Octoprint image and see if that works. txt tool. You can tell it is working once you see the HTTP TCP port 8080 in the service status response. user_agent: Mozilla/5. Oct 2, 2022 · I am DIW also since 1. Somehow I lost my octoprint username/password and my SSH password. 1. What did you already try to solve it? changed user password in terminal Have you tried running in safe mode? No Did running in safe mode solve the problem? N/A Systeminfo Bundle octoprint-systeminfo-20240517102239 Apr 16, 2022 · Take the SD card out, put it in a card reader. But it does not work. 1 is actually octopi. The octopi. However I did purchase a second raspberry pi 4B for a second 3D printer. 16 Makerbot Re Jun 12, 2022 · I might try loading it with the Octoprint image and see if that works. 0 KB) Systeminfo Bundle browser. local's password: Access denied pi@octopi. May 18, 2018 · What is the problem? I Have read and read. 8. yaml; in ~/. You might want to post a new topic under a subject heading more related, since this is very different than the subject of this thread "Login not working Dec 14, 2018 · If OctoPrint's web interface appears to be non functional - it loads but the buttons don't appear to do anything, no terminal output or temperature updates are shown and things in general feel non-responsive - there can be several causes for this. Sep 29, 2021 · Octoprint was working, webcam not. Jul 1, 2023 · Have you ever forgot your Octoprint password. 2. Nov 16, 2023 · Just tried this on a fresh (apart from restoring a config backup) 1. (If you do decide to just use IP address to connect to octoprint, reserve the IP for octoprint on your routerthat way, when your router gets reset, it'll get assigned an IP that might not match. Did running in safe mode solve the problem? WRITE HERE Dec 1, 2019 · I have forgotten my log in details for octoprint. But looks similar to what is described here. txt, reboot - webcam working again TechneCollab September 28, 2021, 7:37am Jan 14, 2023 · From the local machine. But it did not boot to single user mode to sign in as su and reset the Jul 29, 2021 · The gui you are talking about is the RaspberryPiOS desktop. If it does, then it will add it to your workstation's arp cache which helps things along. Apr 26, 2023 · New V2-8 Megapixel, 1080P@30fps RPI CAM connected to an RPI 4B Up until now, I was using a Microsoft USB camera but I switched to the PI camera. I'm quite certain I did not change anything. Forgot my password and need help to reset my octoprint on PC. Things I've posted since then need to be manually updated, but I don't recommend it until you have the basics working. g. When I added octopi to boot disc with etcher, will not go past octopi login password. The webcam on control tab is working on the local Raspbian. The "control" tab just notes "Webcam stream loading" **pi@octopi:~ $ vcgencmd get_camera** supported=1 detected=1 The log file says **pi@octopi:~ $ journalctl -u webcamd** -- Logs begin at Wed 2022-01-05 10:08:57 CET, end at Wed 2022-01-05 10:34:53 CET. I have been on a community page on here and followed the commands with no luck nothing seems to let me creat a new account or delete my old one or change the password. These logins are separate. ) Apr 27, 2022 · If so, OctoPrint and the printer model are not yet relevant. 0 KB) Any help would be appreciated. I run all my instance on a linux disto and the default is 5000 so that might Nov 14, 2019 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. Unmount, boot, login with the new password. To ensure that I am entering the username/password correctly, I created a set in notepad to copy/paste in. local and see if it finds it. Nov 14, 2019 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. Default 'raspberry' password did not work with the 'pi' account, nor did a password set with the octopi-password. Oct 31, 2022 · Take the SD card out, put it in a card reader. There is a plugin available that helps some of the way by reverse engineering the protocol, but it still does not help completely and the author has Nov 17, 2019 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. AND restoring to 5. (I turn off the OctoPrint octopus watermark on mine since I publish my videos. txt, reboot - webcam working again TechneCollab September 28, 2021, 7:37am Jul 16, 2019 · Using an inappropriate App to modify the file can change it in ways that the Pi will not be able to use. May 20, 2018 · Let's make a list of what we know: You have an AirPort Extreme for your wi-fi TRUE; It has issued the 10. Everything is working fine, except for the webcam. May 16, 2018 · Uh, looks like you're trying to connect to raspberry. We will treat it as spam. When you find the right keyboard keys for your password, log-in and reconfigure the keymap. octoprint user password test for changing the password of the user named test. The octopi-password. They don't use the same gcode like most printers, with a proprietary communication protocol. That's what Mar 15, 2023 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. What helped was resetting the pw via writing it on a file made for that purpose, on the sdcard. So I'm able to use Octoprint, just not SSH into it to make some needed changes. What did you already try to solve it? reboot, tried to connect to pi but I cant remember my password :smiley: Logs … May 19, 2018 · Also remember, the IP you get from the wired connection will be different from the IP you get from wifi. 0. Added the dtoverlay=disable-wifi to /boot/config. 169. If you do and its the 401 or for authentication, likely means your server is running. I tried to connect the ps3 eye that I already have it at. Arg0n October 1, 2020, 12:18pm Jan 20, 2023 · Hello, some updates. It doesn´t show up on stream. for bug fixes or if new backwards incompatible libcamera versions are being released. 11, no reverse proxy, just IP addresses in a boring LAN, octoprint listening on Port 5000. What did you already try to solve it? Booting pi and remotely controlling with VNC worked. Now its on WIFI and it is on cause I can ping it and octoprint loads. All I did was move my PIE back to my printer and plugged it in and now my cam don't work again. 5. The password is the same as the ssh user/password of pi/raspberry. I took my other SD card and download the Octopi image by Guy Sheffer " GitHub - guysoft/OctoPi: Scripts to build OctoPi, a Raspberry PI distro for controlling 3D printers over the web". 34 IP address to the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ (which has a Pi NoIR V2 camera module) FALSE Mac dose connect thru Safari to RaspberryPI Oct 20, 2024 · This assumes that you did not change the username from the default of "pi". 0; Win64; x64; rv Apr 18, 2022 · I know it's not the question asked, but the Flashforge printers don't work well with OctoPrint anyway. Apr 15, 2021 · Thank you for your reply but I'm about as green as it gets to the pi world. I can't get the camera to work. 0 which has been Mar 15, 2023 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. 3 and when restarting the server, I'm asked login/password. Anyway, with Cura 1. You get prompted to change the password when octopi runs. So, when you unplugged the wire, and went wireless, you automatically got a new IP Aug 26, 2019 · Restarting octoprint (just octoprint not the whole system) solved the problem for me. If it goes to the blinking cursor then back to the login prompt, that is an issue with the desktop itself having an issue. I have tried solving it by trying different networks and connecting manually using the raspi config. Also, in the browser, they don't allow embedding the username & password in the URL as it is not secure, so even if it was mjpg, you wouldn't be able to get through the authentication. I don't know of a way to stop it doing that, requests are open on GitHub to allow removing that but not implemented yet. log (88. 9, I am unable to connect to octoprint. octoprint-2. Feb 4, 2023 · @drkpxl, If you used my script and the process from Pi Camera V3/IMX Chipset Based Cameras Not Working - #34 by lgeitner, it should "just work" on reboot. I dont see your screenshots. 5, I had to enter the SSID and the password With version 1. One thing is a simple JavaScript error, possibly caused by one of your installed plugins. Jun 26, 2021 · I have tried to get the password to work but every time I get permission denied so I ask if you all can help me get it working I am new to octoprint and am trying to get it to work. txt file only changes the system password, it does not affect your OctoPrint password. I also selected control-shift-x to configgure wifi settings When the pi booted up, i checked to see if the wifi had connected using ifconfig but the wifi network does not shows up. May 16, 2018 · Thanks for the info. - latest version of camera-streamer, arguments switched from `-` to `--` accordingly - workaround for a kernel bug in Oct 15, 2020 · If you entered a strong password in a different keymap, use the "login:" prompt to try to type your password (instead of "pi" or "root"). Should hopefully still work. Steps: I copied the username and password into the two fields under the "Auth Token" fi Dec 2, 2019 · Thanks I tried this with no luck although I found that going into my router settings and manually changing the IP address of the pi reset it and I was able to get back on. Aug 22, 2022 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. 250 for 86400 seconds In my case that 86400 seconds equates to (a mere) 24 hours. Yet when I type my IP address in my browser it it shows me my camera on the printer I just cannot get addons Apr 18, 2022 · So i just got a raspberry pi 3 b+ for octoprint for my FF Creator Pro2. I don´t know where to Jul 29, 2021 · There are 2 different user/password pairs that you have to use when installing and starting octoprint. In this context, 127. Create a file octopi-password. Mar 6, 2021 · I believe that is to stop the browser caching the image. Using the latest raspberry pi imager i selected octopi image to burn onto microsd. Since I am running it on PC I don't know how to execute the following command: Activate the virtual environment. Oct 2, 2022 · Run octoprint user password <user> with <user> being the name of the user for whom you want to reset the password, e. What did you already try to solve it? WRITE HERE. Probably the easiest way is to ignore query parameters in your script for now, maybe it would be a 'simple' configuration change in the front-end control tab logic to not add that, I don't think anyone has looked into it. I rebooted and tested again. It will prompt you for a new password and then set it on the user. 3 and Connect to Octoprint 3. The steps involved boil down to this: remove ~/. What did you already try to solve it? reboot, tried to connect to pi but I cant remember my password :smiley: Logs … Mar 29, 2022 · I recently set up octoprint on my Raspberry Pi 2 B+ so I can use it on my Creality Ender 3 V2. And as an additional seemingly unrelated, clue cura 5. com Jul 29, 2021 · One is the password you use for sshing into the pi, factory default is pi/raspberry. I tried loading the two URLs Foosel suggested and no go. What did you already try to solve it? Tried to put the user:password@ in the address, but no success Dec 2, 2020 · Note the webcam is now Device 011 even though it has not been changed/unplugged. May 8, 2022 · Webcam not working in control tab from a remote computer, but works if I put the address in a separate tab in the browser. Jul 28, 2018 · What is the problem? Brand new Octopi new install working fine, Putty from desktop working fine. But it occured just 2-3 times for me. The other one is your username and password when running OctoPrint. txt on it, containing a new password as it's only line. If you have admin access to your router, check to see if the RPi has connected to your network. Sep 28, 2021 · Octoprint was working, webcam not. I am pretty new to OctoPrint. For Apr 11, 2022 · Take the SD card out, put it in a card reader. I have tried with a variety of different models and nothing seems to register. I set everything up including wifi, the country, and everything else, but when i try to access via a browser it wont show up. I thought it's a security feature :). The installation is pretty standard, Pi 3B+, Raspbian Buster, Octoprint 1. ghix biclcq eoit vlgiu dwoaxn ihfas fjig kilzp yemh bnxddq gdnslu iyrtl xngbg vvc inyapceh