Info corrections govt nz. Please use our postal address when sending mail.
Info corrections govt nz Corrections operates prisons as well as Community Corrections centres nationwide contact details for these can be The best way to contact us is by telephone (0800 225 697) or email (inspectorate@corrections. Community Corrections: Special Treatment Unit: Our work. Phone: (07) 839 7560 Fax: (07) 839 7561 All media inquiries should be directed to media@corrections. Access to victim information is restricted to: victim information manager; We're looking for more good people to join our whānau and help us achieve and deliver our mahi - Kotahi anō te kaupapa: ko te oranga o te iwi There is only one purpose to our work: the wellness and well-being of people. Do you have any personal relationships, affiliations or business interests that may conflict with your duties and responsibilities? For all enquiries regarding Electronically Monitored Bail, please contact 0800 EM BAIL (362 245) or email emteamadmin@corrections. Your privacy and our website For general inquiries, please contact us at info@corrections. You are able to email a person located at Mount Eden Correctional Facility. If you have a family or whānau member in prison, please look at the Corrections website (https: We strive to make our recruitment process fair and inclusive, and we encourage applicants to discuss reasonable accommodation with us if required at southernrecruitment@corrections. The probation officer will listen to you, but they decide what goes in the report. The official Facebook page of the New Zealand If you require urgent/emergency assistance after 5pm on weekdays or on the weekend contact the Corrections Services team on 0800 555 677. Manuals which set out internal rules, principles, policies or guidelines for decision contact us at careers@corrections. Contact the Inspectorate. Contact details for media, career, em bail, website and national office enquiries. Email: inspectorate@corrections. Priority areas for research. If the requests from the media includes a request to interview a prisoner, the request must be forwarded to the Deputy Chief Executive Corporate Services for Human rights in NZ prisons Apart from a few exceptions, any information held by Corrections, as an agency that is subject to the [Official Information Act 1982 (OIA)], is ‘official information’ and must be considered for release if requested. Corrections provides writing paper and envelopes, and pays for standard postage for up to three The Department of Corrections has a team of independent inspectors who check on the fair, safe, secure and humane treatment of prisoners and people detained within the Corrections Watch the video for more Gloves must always be worn by staff when opening prisoner mail, thus ensuring that Corrections is compliant with the [Health and Safety at Work Act 2015] and more importantly, that staff are safely protected. All media inquiries should be directed to media@corrections. It has the following very important roles: Read Corrections information released under the Official Information Act. 4 KB: 15/05/2023 Job reference: APA/1820528O Location: Wellington (Te Whanganui a Tara) Date posted: 05-Nov-2024 Application close date: 31-Mar-2025 Attachments: Corrections understands the importance of staying connected and will endeavour to get a response to you as soon as possible. We are trying to break the cycle of re-offending by identifying and working with people who are most likely to re-offend. eprisonerinvercargill@corrections. Use this form to ask for the information we hold on you. 209 Annex Road, Middleton, Christchurch 8024. Who can access victim information. The new law means New Zealanders who have been sentenced to more than one year in an overseas prison and who have been recently released from detention before returning to New Zealand will now be supervised by Community www. Parole Board and to supervise inmates released on home detention and offenders on community based sentences. Requests can take up to 20 working days to process. 12. Quarterly prison statistics for each prison and breakdowns of the prison population are shown below. Contact us. nz Department of Corrections Private Bag 1206 Wellington, 6140 Email:media@corrections. The official Facebook page of the New Zealand Department of Corrections. In the subject line type in the person’s full name and their Person Record Number (PRN) if you have this. nz (preferred); or; post to: Director Office of the Commissioner Custodial Services Department of Corrections National Operations 24/7 - 0800 362 245 or EMbail@corrections. Apply today. The following are priority areas of interest for the Department, but we also welcome other research topics which are in the public interest. How we consider requests. nz if you an an enquiry about unwanted prisoner mail. Prisoners are supported to learn on the job towards the National Certificate in Painting Level 3, transitioning to the National Certificate in Painting and Decorating Level 4 National Office enquiries. Found email listings include: @corrections. Cornerstone Infrastructure Partners (CIP) has set up a dedicated phone number for the community to possible. nz What to take Please remember to take the following with you to the test: » The consent form (enclosed) which you will sign at the centre » Verification of identification using the following options: • One form of identification if it contains full name, date If you want to find out more about a career with us, visit careers. Phone: 0800 225 697 Email: inspectorate@corrections. As per section 2 of the OIA, it includes: Documents, reports, memoranda, letters, texts and emails. www. For all enquiries regarding Electronically Monitored Bail, please contact 0800 EM BAIL (362 245) or email emteamadmin@corrections. Selected responses to queries under the Official Information Act. Corrections understands the importance of staying connected and will endeavour to get a response to you as soon as possible. Released under the Official Information Act 1982 Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility Inspection June 2020 1 . nz ISSN 2324-4313 (Online) Practic – e ealan rrectio o – VOLME , ISSE 2: NOVEMBER 2017 3 Contents A copy of the signed [R. Find postal and physical provide treatment programmes, education, job training and support to rehabilitate people and reduce the likelihood of them re-offending. Research has shown that re-offending is not reduced simply by incarcerating people who offend, or by increasing the harshness of their sentences. nz PAGE 4 OF 4 I do not consent Consent to serious misconduct check 5. All visitor applications and application enquiries only. Your contact details are recorded in a secure database that is only accessible by the staff responsible for providing you with information. After hours Under the Official Information Act, I request: - All copies of workforce planning work not limited to business cases, reports and modelling related to workload of electronic monitoring in the monitoring center - All documents relating to the use of online apps relating to electronic monitoring - All documents relating to the national electronic monitoring field When you make a deposit, we collect your information to ensure we meet the requirements for trust accounts under regulation 41(1) and 43(1) of the Corrections Regulations 2005. Corrections must comply with the Privacy and Official We're driven by making lasting change and keeping communities safe – our community inside the wire, the public, and to our people who come to work each day. Queries should be made in writing and sent to Department of Corrections National Office, Private Box 1206 Wellington 6140 New Zealand or email info@corrections. Electronic Monitoring on Bail (EM Bail) is available for suitable defendants and young investigates all deaths of people who are in Corrections’ custody; carries out other investigations where necessary and monitors situations where there are concerns; To find out more visit the Office of the Inspectorate website. The initiative is contingency funding from 2025/26 year onwards. Security classification: Minimum to maximum security men Year established: 1968. MBIE has information for suppliers that is part of a government initiative to help suppliers better engage with government and support good procurement practice. This includes written information as well as photos and videos. Also provides information to the judiciary (such as pre-sentence reports about offenders), and provides support services to the New Zealand Parole Board. same number is used each time a person goes to prison. Learn more about Contact us; Complaint resolution. Corrections NZ, Wellington, New Zealand. parliament. Learn more about Complaint resolution For more information, visit www. We have applied random rounding to the figures in the tables to protect confidentiality. ' A career in Pae Ora means providing health services in collaboration with external providers which include whānau, iwi, hapū, mana whenua and the health and disability system. Should you require a special request i. info@corrections. Email: info@corrections. nz - careers. Our website, [1]www. BSSTaiTokerau@corrections. nz search: Electronic Monitoring; Community Probation Service Centres or; Prison Remand Units. nz or. Corrections releases refreshed Hōkai Rangi strategy Our refreshed Hōkai Rangi strategy identifies three organisational outcomes: improved public safety, reduced reoffending, and reduced Māori overrepresentation. Please contact your Volunteer Coordinator if you have any questions or contact PSVolunteering@corrections. Corrections’ Official Information Act statistics ; Corrections Volumes Report ; Prison Performance Tables In this section. Sending letters. How electronic monitoring works An electronically monitored offender/defendant lives at an approved address at all times and, if on a full curfew, can only leave the residence if they have permission to leave for an approved purpose, such Similarly, any questions or concerns about Corrections’ general information gathering processes can be directed to the Chief Executive at info@corrections. 0 KB: 19/05/2023 C167717 - Requesting information about music licenses owned by the department PDF, 299. Section Three: Potential Conflicts of Interest. People affected by crime can find comprehensive information about the justice system and support services on the government Victims information website. Make sure you include as much information as possible about what you need. Full NZ Drivers Licence Tertiary qualification preferred but not essential. Information for other roles (non-Corrections Officer). All emails are read prior to being given to the person. For complaints relating to a Judge’s conduct, contact the Office of the Judicial Conduct Commissioner (external link) on 0800 800 323 or complete a complaint form, available at www. Please include details of the person you don’t want calls from, and your phone number so we can take it off their list. Our careers website contains information about the benefits of working at Corrections as well as role profiles, job descriptions and frequently asked questions about some of our many frontline roles. nz website (Electronic Monitoring). Monday-Friday, 8. Link to: corrections. Department Of Corrections (Ara Poutama Aotearoa) You can also ask for someone else’s information if they have given you permission to do so. Victim notification register Non-contact orders in the community eprisonerocf@corrections. nz In the event of short notice bail (usually same day) being granted for a prisoner in custody, that prison must email a copy of the signed bail document to cs_help_desk@corrections. Contact us at webmaster@corrections. It must clearly show the words “tax invoice” in a prominent place, the name and GST Corrections Minister Kelvin Davis is requiring the Department of Corrections to immediately improve processes, including the complaints system, and overhaul the management of women in prison, to ensure prisoners are treated in a way that fulfils the If you want to find out more about a career with us, visit careers. We collect your name directly from you or from your bank to ensure accurate records of each trust account are maintained and to assess deposits for approval. nz or Private Box 1206, Wellington 6140. nz). The guide: provides an overview of the government market; describes the rules and processes that All media inquiries should be directed to media@corrections. Volunteer Agreement. nz or 0800 603240. Accessibility. Disclaimer and copyright. Queries should be made in writing and sent to Department of Corrections National Office, Private Box 1206 Wellington 140 New Zealand or email info@corrections. https://inspectorate. FInd out more at A prisoner may contact any agency in writing or orally to request official information without using [C. Contents . Corrections Regulations 2005). nz and type “Electronic Monitoring” in the search box. The Communications Service Desk is the first point of contact for all journalist enquiries. nz Check out related courses This data is collected by the Department of Corrections. Job details. As a sub-group within the general offender population, sex offenders share a number of important characteristics. Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). Our work. Prison population total (including pre-trial detainees / remand prisoners) 10 075. We want to ensure you have the information and support you need, when you need it. To book a visit call 0800 256 566 or email: Auckland. nz or email our team at MahiWaikeria@corrections. Prisoner is to sign for: Remand and sentenced snapshot. Visits@corrections. Phone: 0800 603 240. To find out more, download the Mothers with Babies Unit (PDF 504KB) booklet. Northland. The New Zealand Department of Corrections works to make New Zealand a better, safer place by protecting the public from those who can cause harm; and reducing re-offending. 16 March 2023 C164863 . Read stories from our probation team. Both the email and hot line are staffed weekdays only. UNDER THE OFFICIAL INFORMATION ACT 1982. Corrections provides writing paper and envelopes, and pays for standard postage for up to three letters per week. nz . Corrections’ Official Information Act statistics . This page shows statistical information on the: Number of prisoners in each location by custody status; Total prison population; Breakdowns of the prison population by Prisoners wash down, prepare, and paint corrections buildings exterior and interior including working at heights. Office of the Inspectorate Te Tari Tirohia 2 Foreword 3 Our findings 5 Department of Corrections’ response 11 Kia ora, Please use this form to request an Electronically Monitored (EM) Bail absence. How can I find out more about electronic monitoring? www. Waikeria Prison unannounced follow-up inspection August 2019 1 . Learn more about Learn more about probation officer careers at Corrections here. All requests for telephone appointments with tane relating to: Bail Support, External Agency assessments, Accommodation provider interviews and Lawyers phone calls. Phone: (04) 460 3365. The email address is eprisonerauckland@corrections. All emails are read prior to being given to the This section contains useful information for journalists. Addressing Māori over-representation When you make a deposit, we collect your information to ensure we meet the requirements for trust accounts under regulation 41(1) and 43(1) of the Corrections Regulations 2005. 0 International Licence Email: CorrectionsJournal@corrections. Data on the number cases of COVID-19 being managed in prisons over the previous month. While we may not always be visible, we play an important role in keeping our communities safe, while helping people in prison get the help they need. Brochures and factsheets published by Corrections. If we need any details from you, we’ll ask you to direct message us or email info@corrections. 4 MB: 23/05/2023 C167433 - Requesting info on Indians in NZ prisons PDF, 315. Email: media@corrections. inspectorate@corrections. Invercargill Prison. 30am-5pm. Nikki is currently based in New Zealand. Phone. Victim Information Manager Department of Corrections Private Box 1206 Wellington 6140 Ph: (04) 460 3064 Fax: (04) 495 8436 Email: victim. The email address is. View. nrcfvisitorapps@corrections. Office of Inspectorate Te Tari Tirohia 2 Foreword 3 Our findings 5 Introduction 9 Progress since the initial inspection 12 Reception and induction 12 If you want to find out more about a career with us, visit careers. 03 Information sharing with other government agencies]. Each day our team of 10,000+ people across 150 sites nationwide deliver mahi to be the change. nz at least 20 working days prior to any proposed distribution. Prison (sentence, remand, and post-prison), Unless indicated otherwise, all content on stats. nrcfphonebookings@corrections. Post: Victim Information Department of Corrections PO Box 1206 WELLINGTON 6140 Department of Corrections NZ | 23,006 followers on LinkedIn. Subscribe. The Office of the Inspectorate has released a thematic report about people aged under 25 in prison. ‘Kotahi anoo te kaupapa, ko te oranga o te iwi' ‘There is only one purpose to our work: the wellness and wellbeing of our people. Post: Office of the Inspectorate Department of Corrections Private Box 1206 Wellington 6140. Find out more on our website or talk to one of our staff at court. 01 number (if known). nz Invoicing information Please provide receipt of payment to the applicant – they will have the cost reimbursed if appointed into the role and must hold onto this record. Waitākere District Court and North Shore District Court. If it is established that an individual identifies as Corrections provides writing paper and envelopes, and pays for standard postage for up to three letters per week. Whānau/family, friends. 16 January 2024. The Health and Disability Commissioner Mail: PO Box 1791, Auckland 1140 Telephone: 0800 11 22 33 Email: hdc@hdc. Corrections Officers, Case Managers, Probation Official information generally means any information held by Corrections or its employees. These instructions are to ensure the safe, secure, humane, and effective operation of prisons. The report examines how the Department of Corrections manages young people and how they can be helped to stop offending and safely return home. The purpose of the Prison Operations Manual (POM) “is to provide instructions to Corrections employees on the day-to-day activities relating to managing a prison”. Phone numbers are on our locations page. When you make a deposit, we collect your information to ensure we meet the requirements for trust accounts under regulation 41(1) and 43(1) of the Corrections Regulations 2005. Please use our postal address when sending mail. As detailed in clauses 108 and 109 of the Corrections Regulations, when considering requests Corrections must: Information about access to phones in prison and how to stop unwanted phone calls from people in prison. Eprisonermecf@corrections. [3] A number of suggestions for further increasing the effectiveness of correctional programming are made. » We need a “Tax Invoice” not a receipt. This request can be made by the person on EM Bail or someone who has their consent to do this for them. 2024 (Ministry of Justice) Prison population rate (per 100,000 of national population) 187. . org. Careers Ngā umanga Resources More information. careers@corrections. nz After hours assistance numbers • For people on Parole or Extended Supervision call 0800 678 999 • For people on Community Detention, Home Detention, Intensive Supervision or Release Conditions call Corrections provides writing paper and envelopes, and pays for standard postage for up to three letters per week. Call 0800 345 006 or email mailcomplaints@corrections. Postal Address. The probation officer will recommend a suitable sentence, but it is the judge’s The New Zealand Government recently introduced new legislation Returning Offenders (Management and Information) Act 2015. If a probation officer receives a request from a victim registered on the Victim Notification Register (VNR) to contact their offender, they will be referred to the Corrections Victim Information for advice - victim. 03 December 2024 Corrections establishes taskforce to address recommendations of independent sexual harassment review Department of Corrections Ara Poutama Aotearoa Private Box 1206 Wellington 6140 Telephone: 04 460 3000 https://inspectorate. This section tells you how you can visit someone in prison and the process you will go through on the day of your visit. For project inquiries, please contact waikeriaproject@corrections. Visitor bookings. 01 Notice of Reporting Obligations (NORO)] should be scanned and e-mailed to the National CSO Registry, along with a confirmation that the information booklet and the letter were issued to the prisoner (CSORegister@police. Information victims can receive. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. 03 367-9420. 52,207 likes · 3,304 talking about this · 176 were here. nz Find out more on our website or talk to one of our staff at court. We collect your name directly from you or from RIS: Improving rehabilitation, reintegration and safety outcomes in the Corrections system ; Regulatory Impact Analysis: Removing prison workers from the COVID-19 Public Health Response Vaccinations Order 2021 ; Regulatory Impact Statement: Use of pepper spray in custodial settings Human rights in NZ prisons Department of Corrections New Zealand Contact Info: Phone number: +64 44603000 Website: www. Application help Stuck applying? Need a hand? Here's some extra help. This is an automatic reply to let you know that we have received your email. How to check your criminal record (also known as your criminal conviction history). Voice messages can be left after hours and staff will respond. Our 10,000 staff are committed to supporting offenders to help them address their Should you require a special request i. Visiting prison Each prison has its own visiting arrangements. Meeting Times. Use our online form if you have an issue with any aspect of our work. Request someone else’s information > Child, Youth and Family, Work and Income, and Housing NZ > Health > Employers > Non-government organisations > Private sector providers such as Serco > Iwi, hapü and marae Corrections is one of the largest government departments in New Zealand with a key role in keeping our communities safe. Read more This section contains useful information for journalists. Address for correspondence: Chief Psychologist Department of Corrections PO Box 1206 Wellington New Zealand, 6140. notification@corrections. Any information controlled by Corrections is considered to be “held” by Corrections. You can update your details by phone, email or post. 6 Do you consent to the disclosure to Ara Poutama Aotearoa (Department of Corrections) of whether you have been subject to a serious misconduct investigation, either concluded and upheld or currently under investigation, from all previous Public Corrections’ general terms and conditions. UPDATED: 14 February 2022 Corrections is moving to a new provider for electronic monitoring. Click the button below to go to the form. Community-based sentence and order facts and statistics - December 2024; Community-based sentence and order facts and statistics - September 2024 General information. Prejudice any international government or organisations entrusting information to the the private visitor fails or refuses to provide any information under [Corrections Regulations 2005, regulation 106A or 106B]; or; custodialdirectorate@corrections. The world of Corrections is largely hidden away and most people haven't considered what it might take to become a Corrections Officer. If you are from a Government Department seeking the location of a person, please state View Department of Corrections New Zealand (www. Corrections' role and functions were defined and clarified with the passing of the Corrections Act 2004. nz Community Directory. Arohata Prison Inspection September 2020 1 Contents Office of Inspectorate Te Tari Tirohia 2 Foreword 3 Our findings 4 information, and this was later displayed by staff in the unit. Please provide as much detail as possible to ensure that we are able to assist you effectively. 00pm. Form. Receiving officer proceeds with release action. Frequently Asked Questions. The report makes 26 recommendations, which have been accepted in principle by Corrections. ; For complaints relating to the prosecution of a case by a Crown Solicitor, you can contact your local Crown Solicitor (external link) and tell them you want to New Zealand Corrections Careers, Job search, Register. If you have any questions please contact: southernrecruitment@corrections. Information brochures. 08. Phone: (04) 460 3000 (Mon-Fri 8am-5pm) Fax: (04) 460 3263 Email: info@corrections. Corrections. General information. pdf (PDF, 94KB) Position Description Corrections Officer job At Corrections, we know the enormous impact being the victim of crime can have on your life. About The Mothers with Babies Unit gives you a unique opportunity to be with your child, and get the help you need to make positive changes and stay offence free when you are released. As a victim you have rights, and Corrections will work with you to ensure that you and your rights are respected, as described in the Victims Code. nz Aotearoa Justice Watch - Share your story if you have been harmed by our current prison and policing systems (in English) Link to: aotearoajusticewatch. | Each day our team of 10,000+ people across Corrections NZ, Wellington, New Zealand. The desk operates Monday - Friday between 8. Private Bag 4944, Christchurch 8140 Authority. 6 KB C167034 - Appendix one PDF, 1. Physical address: Monckton Trust Building Level 1 73 Rostrevor St Hamilton 3240 Postal address:PO Box 9343 Waikato Mail Centre Hamilton 3240. nrcflegalvisits@corrections. If you are from a Government Department seeking the location of a person, please state Information collected about you may be shared with hiring managers, panel members or other Corrections employees who are involved in the recruitment process. Z. Job reference: APA/1839881 Location: Wellington (Te Whanganui a Tara) Date posted: 11-Feb-2025 Application close date: The Official Information Act 1982 is designed to make government activities more open and transparent to the public. govt. Email. Reports on inquiries and reviews into specific incidents. There is only one purpose to our work: the wellness & wellbeing of people. Auckland. Since its peak at 10,820 in March 2018, New Zealand’s prison population has reduced to 7702 in December 2021. Email: victim. Looking for the location of our regional offices, prisons or community corrections facilities? Find our locations around New Zealand. View Trends in the Offender Population 2014/15; 2013 Report This page shows statistical information on the: Number of prisoners in each location by custody status; Total prison population; Breakdowns of the prison population by The Department of Corrections (Māori: Ara Poutama Aotearoa) is the public service department of New Zealand charged with managing the New Zealand corrections system. If you’re having trouble using any aspect of this website or accessing any content, please let us know. Victim notification register Non-contact orders in the community Parole information for victims Related organisations The Department of Corrections works to make New Zealand a better, safer place by: protecting the public from those who can cause harm; reducing re-offending. They also need to have good hearing and vision. The world of Corrections is largely hidden away and most people haven't considered what it might take to become an officer. jcc. View Corrections Volumes Report 2018-2019; 2017 Report. nz) location in New Zealand , revenue, industry and description. nz Fax: (04) 460 3208. Before sentencing In the community In prison When someone you care about goes to prison Information for victims. Non-written information, such as digital, video or tape recordings. 'Kotahi anō te kaupapa: ko te oranga o te iwi' 'There is only one purpose to our work: the wellness and wellbeing of people'. All staff are to ensure that they perform their duties in accordance with the instructions contained . Parole process guide. , laptop or disclosure documents, please contact Sector Services on sectorservices@corrections. and information about different careers at Corrections. nz or by phoning our National Office at (04) 460 3000. If you have questions about how you can help, you can talk to the principal facilitator of the team running the group, or the facilitator of the programme. Corrections is committed to helping victims get the information they need. This includes the operations of the 18 prisons in New Zealand and services run by Probation. Managing COVID-19 at Corrections. Victim notification register Non-contact orders in the community Parole information for victims Related organisations In this page you can find important information to make volunteering at Corrections a pleasant and safe experience. ; A minimum of two staff must open prisoner mail together. Further information on victim notification is available on the Department of Corrections website. nz (external link). Please refer to Corrections [Official Information Act Guide] for additional guidance on managing OIA requests, including situations where it is necessary to withhold official information. nz. Thank you for your email of 5 October 2020, requesting information about the For requests by Government Agencies see POM [C. Recent stories. These guidelines align our approach with comparable jurisdictions internationally, as well as other Government agencies such as New Zealand . Before sentencing Corrections officers need to be fit, healthy and strong as they spend a lot of time on their feet and the job can be physically demanding. nz Postal address: PO Box 1206 Wellington 6140 New Zealand (or +64(4)460-6101 outside NZ) Contact us online. Something else? Need something else? Explore and Email: inspectorate@corrections. There is more information on the www. Reports 2020 Report. Drafts should be emailed to research@corrections. Location. Prisoners serving sentences for sex offences make up around 20 percent of the New Zealand prison population on any given date. nz is licensed for re-use under a Creative Commons 4. Request my information. Personal information shared publicly will be moderated to protect your privacy, the privacy of the people we manage, and our staff. Skip to Primary Navigation; Skip to Search; you can email info@corrections. Corrections plans to provide targeted services and interventions to meet the needs of remand prisoners, ensuring optimal outcomes. 10. 02 Prisoner request for official information. nz Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm Please note that booking visits must be made by 12pm Friday the week prior. Tēnā koe. Next release. Corrections has a number of controls in place to minimise risks relating to the spread of COVID-19 in the community and in prisons. You can call the prison you want to visit for more information. The aim is to support the Government's Real Consequences for Crime policy, which seeks to expand access and improve reoffending outcomes. Thank you for your email of 8 February 2023 to the Department of Corrections – Ara Poutama Aotearoa, requesting information about Corrections’ recruitment campaign. at 31. We manage around 9,000 people in prison and 27,000 people serving a sentence or order in the community. e. Tono ināianei | Apply Now. Learn more about Managing COVID-19 at Corrections; Monthly COVID-19 cases. Learn more about Information brochures; Inquiries & Reviews. nz and receive information held by government officials and bodies. You are able to email a person located at Auckland Prison. Chief Executive. The report is also based on information from the court and risk assessments. corrections. Job reference: APA/1820528Q Location: Southland (Murihiku) Date posted: 06-Nov-2024 Application close date: 28-Feb-2025 Attachments: Corrections Officer Job description. (04) 460 3365, or 021 761 828, or commdesk@corrections. Guidelines and more information. It should clearly outline the concern, and what has already been done to resolve it. Head of prison administration (and title) Jeremy Lightfoot. View Corrections Volumes Report 2019-2020; 2019 Report. Visiting prison Each prison has its C167034 - Requesting information on correctional gear worn by staff PDF, 376. The complaint should include the name of the prisoner or offender, the prison they are at and the relevant PC. nz provides up to date news and The online community probation practice centre supports Corrections probation staff in their work with offenders. nz or email our team at careers@corrections. View Corrections Volumes Report 2016-17; 2015 Report. The practice centre keeps track of practice releases and provides an extensive knowledge bank for staff to find more information to help them with their work. But the rules Nikki Harrison works at Department of Corrections New Zealand, which is a Government company with an estimated 8,715 employees. This means that information held by independent contractors to Corrections is also considered official information “held” by Corrections, for example, contracted rehabilitative or eprisonerocf@corrections. The Department of Corrections, Ara Poutama Aotearoa, holds a wide range of official information relating to our functions of administering prison and community-based sentences and orders as imposed by the Courts and New Zealand Parole Board and assisting individuals’ rehabilitation and reintegration into the community. 00am and 5. nz or; Department of Corrections, Private Box 1206, Wellington 6140. Stay on topic Community Corrections: Special Treatment Unit: Our work. Before you start volunteering you would have signed a volunteer agreement. 09 408 6020. However, please be aware that due to the high number of requests we receive this can impact the time it takes to get a response. This remarkable 29% decrease lowers New Zealand’s per capita incarceration rate to about 150 per Information about access to phones in prison and how to stop unwanted phone calls from people in prison. We apologise DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ARA POU TAMA AOTEAROA 12 February 2021 C127276 Tenakee. If you want to review the decision you can contact prison staff and they will provide you with the Prison Visit Decision Review form to complete. The Office of the Ombudsman Mail: PO Box 10152 Wellington 6143 Telephone: 0800 802 602 Email: info@ombudsman. All staff can open mail and check it for unauthorised items in the presence of another staff member in Introduction. Mayfair House 44-52 The Terrace Wellington Central. Find out more about training Department of Corrections careers@corrections. There are certain times when registered victims receive information from Corrections. We have a unique opportunity to work with offenders and their whānau to address negative Responsibilities include oversight of the management of remand, community, and custodial sentences and orders, and policy to assist the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders. If you are on a community based sentence or order, Contact us on (04) 460 3000 or info@corrections. How you can check someone else’s criminal record (known as a third party criminal conviction history Are you wanting to find out whether someone is in prison, or which prison they are in? The way to do this is to complete our online form. If you have any questions contact: info@corrections. Learn more about Inquiries & Reviews; Official Information Act. Kaitaia District Court, Kaikohe District Court, Dargaville District Court, and Whangārei District Court. We’ll also need to share limited information with referees, recruitment agencies or any other third parties who perform services on our behalf during the recruitment process. If a prisoner wants to send a fast post letter or a parcel, they must pay for this themselves. Police (Police) and New Zealand Customs. Job details Job reference: Contact us on (04) 460 3000 or info@corrections. Probation is when someone is released from prison or is serving a community sentence. Kotahi anō te kaupapa: ko te oranga o te iwi. nz What does Department of Corrections New Zealand do? The New Zealand Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is responsible for the operation of the NZ corrections, rehabilitation, probation and parole systems. nz Prison Operations Manual. It also includes a full job listing for all of the current frontline and National Office vacancies. Offenders usually have to follow standard and maybe special conditions if they are in the community. victim. Learn more about Information victims can receive; Complaint resolution. After hours When you make a deposit, we collect your information to ensure we meet the requirements for trust accounts under regulation 41(1) and 43(1) of the Corrections Regulations 2005. The Corrections Volumes Report replaced the biennial prison census that was conducted from 1987-2003. to give any information. To provide information to the N. Environment. Thank you for contacting the Department of Corrections. hbjanli zfcibjc onzd vrenibn hbpzo qnume wbh odikmia yjrsxx doidg wzouxly izajgva dqcig aypjyh ychcuki