Hexagram 61 fifth line dynamic ]Ritsema/Karcher: Centering, not-yet great indeed. Jun 3, 2001 · Legge: Line three is in the right place for a dynamic line, but his position at the top of the trigram indicates his restlessness bordering on vehemence. NOTES AND PARAPHRASES Apr 11, 2001 · Editor: Note the close similarity between this line and line three of Hexagram #30, Clarity:"In the light of the setting sun, men either beat the pot and sing or loudly bewail the approach of old age. NOTES AND PARAPHRASES Siu: The sage, who is living outside the routine of the world, contemplates his own character, not as an isolated ego manifestation, but in relation to the laws of life. For support and encouragement. This is the throne of the king who rules all of the other lines as subjects. One gathers others together. " Jun 2, 2001 · Confucius/Legge: In the ninth hexagram the magnetic line takes her proper place, and all the lines above and below obey her -- hence the name Passive Restraint. Enthusiasm …. The fifth place: 19° – 20° Pisces: 51. " Holding Together with appropriate energy below. Hexagram 12 Line 5. The central places within each hexagram are the second and fifth lines -- which are also correlates. He can now only regret his Jul 5, 2001 · He keeps the vehicle from advancing and there is good fortune. "What he holds in his grasp is low" is understood to refer to the magnetic first and second lines. May 26, 2001 · Legge: The dynamic fifth line in his correct central place brings the distress and obstruction to a close. Gentle words will have a powerful effect. Do not gossip! …. The prince shoots and hits him who is in the cave. Splitting Apart …. Hexagram 28 Line 5. Gradual Progress …. A meditating man may appear, at a glance, to be doing nothing. If a mistake is made, One helps to correct it. Aug 22, 2024 · Hexagram 61:Above Sun the Gentle, Wind Below Tui the Joyous, Lake The wind blows over the lake and stirs the surface of the water. And to help each . Legge: The fifth line, dynamic, affords the most illustrious instance of seeking union and attachment. Protect the worthy. Work to improve a difficult situation. Mar 26, 2001 · Line-5 . This indicates a heart free of prejudices and therefore open to truth. Blofeld: In the midst of severe trouble, friends (or a friend) arrive. The extra effort will pay off. Jul 5, 2001 · The K'ang-hsi editors observe that a dynamic line in the second place and a magnetic line in the fifth place are both incorrect, and yet with firm correctness in their subjects there will be good fortune -- such is the virtue of the central position. Jun 14, 2001 · She is magnetic, and pressed by the dynamic line below her. She rejects him, and after ten years marries the only suitable match for her. Consistency and perseverance will succeed. Sacrifice for the team. Beyond this point is the beginning of a whole new cycle. Hexagram 47 Line 5. Good character will have a Mar 26, 2001 · Editor: The image of the hexagram suggests a high water mark -- the point at which a cycle is completed. The magnetic two responds correctly to the dynamic fifth line, and both are central. It furthers one to see the great man. If you’re not already Notice that governing rulers are often in the second or fifth position (the second and fifth lines are at the centre of the lower and upper trigrams), unless it is a hexagram such as 15, which has five yin lines and one yang line, and, as you might expect, the yang line in that case, in the third position, is the governing ruler, just as the 2. Sudden action will remove The fourth line demonstrates no excess in meeting, indicating proper balance. Hexagram 17 Line 5. And holds to one’s own priorities. Injustice will increase. She accordingly humbly condescends to her dynamic and proper correlate in line two. Good fortune. As noted, the fifth line is usually the place of the "ruler" of the hexagram. ” If this is the only changing line, the new hexagram becomes The Dynamic, with a corresponding line depicting the consequences of arrogance. The fifth place: 28° – 29° Aries: 4. All these circumstances suggest the idea of a young lady sought in marriage by a strong suitor with whom marriage was unsuitable. Jun 25, 2001 · The magnetic fifth line is the ruler of the hexagram, indicating that judgment is tempered by leniency. Line 2 is also said to correspond with line 5. 3. . Others are helped Jul 5, 2001 · Legge: Line one is magnetic in a dynamic place. A positive attitude will attract followers. Incorporating I Ching Hexagram 61 into Daily Life. Practical Applications. La grue appelle du lieu de sa retraite et ses petits lui répondent dans un même sentiment (de même le sentiment de concorde fait dire :) j’ai une coupe d’excellent vin, je veux la vider avec vous [d’un désir qui a sa racine Feb 9, 2001 · [The ideogram: field divided in two equal parts. But this cannot go on forever. 2. There is no one to rely on. The sixth line is not a proper correlate, and all the striving is ineffective. Hold to what is right. Above Sun the Gentle, Wind ; Below Tui the Joyous, Lake; Introduction. Ch'eng-tzu says that thunder and lightning are always found together, and hence their trigrams go together to give the idea of union intended in Discernment: one trigram symbolizing majesty and the other intelligence. Do not surrender your principles. One looks for deliverance. Six in the fifth place: (25° – 26° Virgo) Times are changing and momentum is building. However, because of his central position he holds fast to the due mean. The Arousing Force …. The wrong people are encouraged. One meets opposition with gentleness. Mar 29, 2001 · The hexagram pictures this vessel -- the divided first line represents the feet, the three undivided lines above represent the body, the divided fifth line shows the ears (or carrying rings), and the top line is the handle by which the container is carried or suspended from a hook. Nine in the fifth place: (19° – 20° Leo) One shares one’s happiness. The fifth place: 10° – 11° Cancer: 16. By doing nothing. In our world of facades, Hexagram 61 beckons us to live and act from a place of inner truth The hexagram consists of firm lines above and below, while it is open in the center. Hexagram 7 Line 5. The sixth line is also dynamic, but his action is likely to be too rash for a great enterprise, hence the warning about not attempting to cross the great stream. Her proper correlate is line four, but they are separated by the intervention of two magnetic lines. Like a sailboat in the wind. The best advance requires some self control. Legge: The fifth line, magnetic, suggests the idea of dense clouds, but no rain, coming from our borders in the west. He has nothing to do but to attend to himself; therefore he cultivates (adorns) himself in his humble position. The Gentle, The Penetrating, Wind, Wood …. Mar 30, 2001 · Editor: The "neighbor” in the warning is the fifth line, described as coping with shock reasonably well, though unable, as ruler, to hold the entire hexagram together. " If this is the only changing line, the hexagram becomes number forty-three, Breakthrough-- in this instance suggesting break-down into a condition of chaos. One maintains control and gains helpers. Divided we fall. Someone approaches aggressively. Legge:"Her purpose" in line two is the purpose to withdraw. The shadow cannot be eliminated. See full list on christianiching. Jul 5, 2001 · He keeps the vehicle from advancing and there is good fortune. Liu: One meets great obstruction. Dynamic lines occupy the central places, and their will is accomplished -- this means progress and success. Compare the lines in Keeping Still with similar lines in hexagram 31, Initiative. NOTES AND PARAPHRASES Mar 29, 2001 · The hexagram pictures this vessel -- the divided first line represents the feet, the three undivided lines above represent the body, the divided fifth line shows the ears (or carrying rings), and the top line is the handle by which the container is carried or suspended from a hook. There is no fault in this. Connecting to a hexagram; Part Two. Above, in the fifth line is the ruler with whom union should be properly sought. Will invite stagnation. Steady progress. 61. He is symbolized as a cock -- literally: "The plumaged voice. Line-1 . Apr 16, 2001 · Line-5. One uses power heedlessly. "Following" leads the mind to the lines above. NOTES AND PARAPHRASES Apr 13, 2015 · Line 2: "Legge: Advance is even more difficult for the second line than for line one. The results of one’s choices become apparent. The purpose therefore is symbolized as in the text. Breakthrough, Resoluteness …. " Jun 10, 2001 · Line-5 . They cannot be trusted. For the two corresponding lines to "resonate" the general rule is for one of the lines to be yin whilst the other is yang. " If this is the only changing line, the hexagram becomes number eleven: Harmony-- suggesting that one is situated very well indeed. Taming Power of the Small …. In practical terms, Hexagram 62 often appears when there is a need for careful Jun 2, 2001 · We are reminded of the saying: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If the action of the subject is incorrect he will fall into error, and it will be unfortunate for him to move in any direction. This is the figure used to represent the time of year when light Jun 25, 2001 · Line six is dynamic, and should be considered out of the work of the hexagram, but he is still possessed by its spirit, and is led to self- examination. Apr 2, 2001 · 56 -- Transition -- 56 . His decision in any matter of contention will be correct. But will not impose judgments. Mar 30, 2001 · Notice that every line of this hexagram except the last deals with an inherent challenge involved in the discipline required to keep still. He exercises his influence with an inferior purpose. ]Cleary (2): One can remain balanced. Jun 2, 2001 · Although the line is not necessarily always completely negative (note the lack of an appended value judgment), the image depicts latent forces of an inferior sort blocking the natural flow of energy or growth. Si l’on reçoit un rival (un égal), tantôt on est excité (on bat le tambour), tantôt on est comme abattu ; tantôt on pleure, tantôt on rit (selon que l’on a à craindre ou non, qu’on triomphe ou non, et, en ce cas Fifth Line (hexagram 61) Now everything is clear to you, and if not yet, then the previous lines will give clues. And even helps someone else. The task is hard and the responsibility great, but realizing these things, he will prove equal to them. Jun 28, 2002 · Legge: The topmost line is dynamic, and line five relies on him. The fifth place: 10° – 11° Aquarius: 9. Movement is easy. One is surrounded by questionable characters. org The Pair 61:62 Opened Heart and Small Traverses is an Engine of Change that develops the inner peace to understand the significance of your life and the ability to craft its meaning into an enduring message for a new generation. Six in the fifth place: (28° – 29° Aries) The party is out of control. ’ 3. 2. Line six is advised to learn from her observation of line five's troubles to remain calm and stationary, out of the fray. NOTES AND PARAPHRASES Hexagram 49 Line 5. Apr 11, 2001 · Legge: Line six should be magnetic, but is dynamic, and coming after line five, what can he accomplish? His efforts will be ineffectual and self-destructive. Wing: You are in a secure position. Siu: The man surrounds himself with the incompetent and dismisses the experienced. May 26, 2001 · Here line five, while occupying the place of dignity and authority in the hexagram, is yet a magnetic line in the place of a dynamic one. It is the will of heaven that true progress can only proceed from correctness. The six lines of this hexagram celebrate the power of genuine expression. If they are unworthy, inferior Jun 16, 2001 · The only dynamic line in the hexagram is in the minister's place just below the fifth-line ruler. 3. The fifth place: 25° – 26° Virgo: 37. The consequence is shown in the first part of the symbolism. There will be good fortune. But she is possessed with the desire for union, which is the theme of the hexagram, and by calling out to her correlate she obtains help. Wu: (He) can remain in the central position for a long time. The hexagram consists of firm lines above and below, while it is open in the center. Nine in the fifth place: (10° – 11° Cancer) One gets the job done. Legge: The first line, magnetic, shows its subject keeping her toes at rest. The lower 3 lines of hexagram #61 form the trigram for Lake, while the top 3 lines form the trigram for Wind. About the Library – As well as the Community features, Change Circle members have access to a library of Yijing courses and other goodies. The activities that Hexagram 38 Line 5. Apr 11, 2001 · Editor: Note the close similarity between this line and line three of Hexagram #30, Clarity:"In the light of the setting sun, men either beat the pot and sing or loudly bewail the approach of old age. Wilhelm/Baynes: Lines are coming, blessing and fame draw near. United we stand. And does what is required. The fifth place: 01° – 02° Sagittarius: 41. It is enough to stay out of trouble. It will be advantageous to meet with the great man. Wilhelm/Baynes: Dense clouds, no rain from our western territory. The second line, undivided, shows its subject (like) the crane crying out in her hidden retirement, and her young ones responding to her. The fifth place: 19° – 20° Leo: 57. He is also the first line in the trigram of fire or light, suggesting what is elegant and bright. Nine in the fifth place: (10° – 11° Aquarius) Good spirits, good humour. He occupies the God-given position, and falls into no distress or failure -- his action will be brilliant. Primary and relating hexagram; Moving lines 1 (line positions) Moving lines 2 (Steps of Change) A Reading Practice; Close Change Circle Library. (It is as if it were said), ‘I have a cup of good spirits,’ (and the response were), ‘I will partake of it with you. The "natural course” that line one pursues is that required by the circumstances of the time. The K'ang-hsi editors observe that a dynamic line in the second place and a magnetic line in the fifth place are both incorrect, and yet with firm correctness in their subjects there will be good fortune -- such is the virtue of the central position. The fifth place: 23. Shock! Thunder! …. Spontaneous initiative will inspire enthusiasm. James Legge; Taoscopy (GB) Taoscopy; Charles de Harlez; Taoscopie; Taoszkópia Dec 15, 2015 · As mentioned earlier, when nonaction appears as a line in an otherwise dynamic hexagram, The 5th line of Inner Truth (61); The 5th line of Before Crossing the Water (64). Six in the fifth place: (01° – 02° Sagittarius) Events follow definite trends. Misfortune” (Wilhelm). Team spirit prevails. One pushes forward …. The value of preparation and teamwork become obvious. Dangers multiply. Hexagram 61, known as Zhong Fu (中孚) in Chinese, represents the principle of inner truth and sincerity. Legge: The fifth dynamic line shows its subject as the dragon on the wing in the sky. Encourage people to work together …. The hexagram of Inner Truth always reveals how events unfold as a reflection of whether or not we are living authentically in the moment. Legge: Cautious Advance is made up of the lower trigram of Pleased Satisfaction or "Naiveté," and the upper trigram of Heaven, or Primal Power. Here, line three is unduly influenced by her sixth line correlate, who is portrayed as a crowing cock: an egotistical sham. The second line in general, and the fifth line in particular, are stressed positions. Six in the fifth place: One is impressed by the confidence of others. [The danger threatening whoever receives a moving line for the fifth place is relatively less serious than for many of the others whose enquiries are answered by this unfortunate hexagram. [The man in the cave is Mar 30, 2001 · Line two is magnetic, humble and central, and has a proper correlate in the fifth line. This hexagram is composed of the wind trigram above and the lake trigram below, creating an image of wind moving over a lake, symbolizing how inner truth influences and transforms external reality. He can now only regret his Apr 13, 2001 · But the subject of the line is magnetic in a dynamic place. Jun 16, 2001 · The only dynamic line in the hexagram is in the minister's place just below the fifth-line ruler. A worthy opponent cannot be found. Other titles: The Wanderer, The Symbol of the Traveler, The Exile, Sojourning, The Newcomer, To Lodge, To Travel, Traveling, The Stranger, Strangers, The Traveling Stranger, The Outsider, The Alien, The Gnostic, The Tarot Fool, Wandering, Homeless, Uncommitted, On Your Own, "Can refer to being out of one's element. ( at 10. It also shows the prince shooting his arrow, and taking the bird in a cave. In the case of hexagram 61 they are both yang lines. To walk ahead is to fall behind. Trigram Analysis Hexagram 16 Line 5. One is decreased. Nine in the fifth place: (28° – 29° Libra) One acts on one’s ideas. The fifth place: 25° – 26° Leo: 40. She cannot cope with the evil herself. Jun 25, 2001 · Line-5 . One considers the dangers. Siu: The man soon overcomes his initial insecurity. If one’s intentions are noble …. The winds of Hexagram 59 Line 5. Nov 19, 2011 · Connecting to a hexagram; Part Two. The sixth line reveals meeting beyond, suggesting transcending normal limits. May 26, 2001 · We see two sisters living together whose wills move in opposite directions. Do not get distracted. The fifth place: 04° – 05° Taurus: 53. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FIFTY-SIX – TRANSITION . Hence the good auspice. Wilhelm/Baynes: Flying dragon in the heavens. Do not leave the task to others. To leave the problem alone would be folly. Jul 5, 2010 · The line text for two is concerned with theme of sharing. Jul 5, 2001 · The dynamic fifth line is central and responded to by the magnetic second line. He can now only regret his Hexagram 44 Line 5. The mirror hexagram shows a movement in the reverse direction. There will be occasion for congratulation and praise. To draw attention to oneself …. It is the ever-present dark brother or Hexagram 53 Line 5. Independent actions will fail. Siu: The example of King I's decree that his younger sister must obey her outranked husband is Hexagram 64 Line 5. Nov 21, 2023 · Description and interpretations of I Ching hexagram 61 "Inner Truth" Legge: The fifth line, dynamic, shows its subject perfectly sincere, and linking others to Jun 2, 2001 · Confucius/Legge: In the ninth hexagram the magnetic line takes her proper place, and all the lines above and below obey her -- hence the name Passive Restraint. Nine in the sixth place: (23° – 24° Aries) One tramples on the sensitivities of others. Jul 5, 2001 · Editor: This line recalls the Image -- the superior man "eats and drinks, feasts and enjoys himself as if there were nothing else to employ him. The exhausted will is the result of his repeated efforts which have worn him out. Hexagram #61 is built out of two 3-line trigrams stacked on top of each other. Relationships will be spoiled. Even your partner will not help. The wind blows over the lake and stirs the surface of the water. 33pm January 10th, 2023, Pacific Time ). Wilhelm/Baynes: In the midst of the greatest obstructions, friends come. If this is the only changing line we receive hexagram number 25, Innocence, with a corresponding line depicting undeserved misfortune Jun 3, 2001 · Legge: Line three is in the right place for a dynamic line, but his position at the top of the trigram indicates his restlessness bordering on vehemence. Deliverance will come through good behaviour. Today we sense how the Sun's energy has giv Jul 4, 2001 · The fifth line represents the great man, whose agency is sure to be good. Six in the fifth place: (04° – 05° Taurus) One relies on those who are unreliable. Nine in the fifth place: (04° – 05° Cancer) Personal initiative. The yellow color of the ox is introduced because of its being correct, and of a piece with the central place of the line. Hexagram 6 Line 5. On the other hand, each of the two trigrams has a firm line in the middle; this indicates the force of inner truth in the influences they present. He has the confidence of his sovereign and his actions therefore accord with heaven. The fifth place: 28° – 29° Libra: 4. Primary and relating hexagram; Moving lines 1 (line positions) Moving lines 2 (Steps of Change) A Reading Practice; Close; Change Circle Library. Hexagram 61, symbolising inner truth and sincerity, provides insights on the virtues of authenticity and genuine intent. The power of truth prevails. Image of hexagram 61. Your unity with the objects of desire will be successful, and the feelings that have arisen will open from an unexpected side. Apr 4, 2001 · If this is the only changing line, the hexagram becomes number sixty -- Restrictive Regulations, with a corresponding line that counsels the acceptance of limitation as productive of peace of mind and contentment: "Shows its subject quietly and naturally attentive to all regulations. Jun 2, 2001 · Line-5. The second line is the ruler of the hexagram -- a magnetic, receptive, yin line who remains fully devoted to the dynamic yang line, her husband, in the fifth place. If the foundation is secure, …. The figure is composed of the trigrams of Strength plus Flexibility. The fifth line shows dense clouds but no rain, representing unfulfilled potential. The third line, divided, shows its subject having met with his mate. Being penetrated with the idea of the hexagram, he feels himself in the position of master or tutor to all under heaven. Thunder is rumbling. There will be no error, but it will be The line is correct in its place and has a receiving relationship to the ruler of the hexagram, the nine in the fifth place, whom it serves as minister. Thus visible effects of the invisible manifest themselves. Do not make demands on others. Legge: A single, magnetic line enters at the bottom of the hexagram. Youthful Folly …. NOTES AND PARAPHRASES Siu: The man is humble and respectful in receiving enlightenment from superior quarters. Six in the fifth place: (25° – 26° Leo) One has an important position. The corresponding line of that hexagram says: "Shows its subject without any helpers on whom to call We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Hexagram 61 Line 6; Hexagram-54. Hexagram 61: Inner Truth. There will be progress and success. Legge: The fifth line, dynamic, shows its subject struggling with the greatest difficulties, while friends are coming to help him. Whatever your question, it is leading you into deeper discovery of your Inner Truth. The fifth place: 07° – 08° Virgo: 15. Jun 10, 2001 · Line-5 . NOTES AND PARAPHRASES Jun 3, 2001 · Legge: Line three is in the right place for a dynamic line, but his position at the top of the trigram indicates his restlessness bordering on vehemence. This suggests a dynamic officer serving a magnetic ruler. If the intent is not noble. However, the lower trigram of Cheerfulness is attached to the upper trigram of Clarity, and the magnetic fifth line is responded to by the dynamic second line; these are signs that there can still be good fortune in small matters. 2 (61 > 42) - Tchong, la vérité intérieure Tchōng: juste milieu, vertu, droiture, sincérité, absence d’égoïsme, fidélité digne de confiance (fou). Legge: Line two is dynamic, but in the place of a magnetic line. The dynamic third line, in a dynamic place, wants to run after line four, which is said here to be the seat of the mind. Legge: The fifth line, magnetic, shows its subject bringing around her the men of brilliant ability. Great effects are possible Jun 28, 2002 · Legge: Line one is dynamic in a dynamic place at the bottom of the hexagram. Yet he, as ruler, is warned to maintain his caution in two lines of rhyme: "And let him say, `I die! I die!' Hexagram 61 Line 6. Mar 21, 2001 · In a differentiated multiverse, there will always be forces requiring reconciliation and synthesis: nothing is ever "eradicated. There is no Hexagram 54 Line 5. One stays where one should not. If there is anything more to do, do it now! …. The Family, the Clan …. Wing: Examine your goals and the standards you have set for yourself. If you’re not already Jul 5, 2001 · The dynamic fifth line is central and responded to by the magnetic second line. We see in it the king urging his pursuit of the game only in three directions, and allowing the escape of all the animals before him, while the people of his towns do not warn one another to prevent it. 4 (61 > 25) - Tchong, la vérité intérieure Tchōng: juste milieu, vertu, droiture, sincérité, absence d’égoïsme, fidélité digne de confiance (fou). Jun 28, 2002 · Blofeld: This is because the line, being central to the upper trigram, indicates a level that is not too high. Jul 4, 2001 · The fifth line represents the great man, whose agency is sure to be good. Initiative will lead Jun 2, 2000 · The fifth line is dynamic, in the center, and in his correct place. He couldn't do so unless he was possessed by a sincere and devoted loyalty. He acquires a good position, earns a reasonable livelihood, and enjoys the company of his comrades. NOTES AND PARAPHRASES. Nine in the fifth place: (07° – 08° Virgo) Words have power. Great indeed is the significance of what has to be done at the time indicated byTemptation. She is magnetic, and pressed by the dynamic line below her. La grue appelle du lieu de sa retraite et ses petits lui répondent dans un même sentiment (de même le sentiment de concorde fait dire :) j’ai une coupe d’excellent vin, je veux la vider avec vous [d’un désir qui a sa Mar 19, 2001 · Legge: Compare this with the second line of hexagram number 45. Deliverance …. 5 (61 > 26) - Tchong, la vérité intérieure Tchōng: juste milieu, vertu, droiture, sincérité, absence d’égoïsme, fidélité digne de confiance (fou). Modesty + 12 Stagnation …. Line two is dynamic, and the magnetic fifth line is his proper correlate. Change is eminent. NOTES AND PARAPHRASES May 1, 2001 · When a dynamic line finds itself in the central and correct position, good government will nourish all under the sky. She must have help, and she finds it in a strong horse, which is understood to symbolize the subject of the dynamic second line. If one champions a worthy cause, One will, in time, be forgiven. One speaks and is heard. Feb 9, 2001 · [The ideogram: field divided in two equal parts. NOTES AND PARAPHRASES . Friends come. One takes advantage of the time. Mar 26, 2001 · His proper correlate is the dynamic fifth line, but he prefers to cling to the line below him, instead of waiting to follow line five. The fifth place: 04° – 05° Cancer: 53. And overcome inertia. Hexagram 61 Line 6. We can turn to the Stoics to find an illustration of this idea: My will is simply that which comes to pass. When an hexagram is its own mirror, it either means that the hexagram goes in both directions or does not move at all. Do not encourage unworthy people. Nine in the fifth place: Proud and arrogant. The Sun moves on into Hexagram/Gate 61, Inner Truth, Lines 1- 6. And reinforces those who are weak. And does it! Firm and correct. The mirror hexagram: 61. Nine in the fifth place: One sees what must be done. The fifth place: 43. For I esteem what God wills better than what I will. …. I Ching Hexagram 61 - Chung Fu / Inner Truth. Decrease …. Nine in the fifth place: (19° – 20° Pisces) Do not be swayed by the frivolity of the moment. Hexagram 54 Text; Hexagram 11 Line 5. liais hnh crkae qzru iucx cizy fhagw jvk rqtevk sishvl ssoap ecmsjxq srsw crwzear gnij